WordPress offers some additional tools that may assist you in the development and optimization of your blog.  For example, you may wish to transfer an existing blog that uses a different blogging application that into a WordPress blog.

The Tools feature includes some tools that can be installed and used in your browser to help optimize performance, the ability to import an existing blog, export your current blog, and view all of your subscribers and what is being subscribed to.

The Your Profile feature is the place to change the settings for the following items:

  • Personal Options: This group includes settings for the Visual Editor, different available color schemes for your Administrative panel, and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Name: This group includes settings for your first, last, and nickname.
  • Contact Info: This group includes all of the different digital ways to contact you such as your E-mail, Website, and IM information.
  • About Yourself: This is an optional opportunity to share some biographical information about yourself

To add a new User to your blog, do the following:

  • From within your Dashboard, click on Users > Add New and enter the following information:
    • Username: enter the User’s ONID username (this is a required field and the username must be a valid ONID username).
    • E-mail: enter the new User’s e-mail address.  This is a required field.
    • Role: Choose the role that you want this User to possess.
  • When all information has been added, click the Add User button.
  • A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the new user, who must answer it before being added to the site.
  • Once the confirmation message has been answered by the new user, she or he will appear on the Author’s & Users list.

Manage Users

To change a user’s role, do the following:

  • From within your Dashboard, click on Users.
  • Check the box(es) next to the desired Username(s).
  • Select the desired role from the Change role to… drop down menu.
  • Click the Change button.

To remove a user, do the following:

  • From within your Dashboard, click on Users.
  • Check the box(es) next to the desired username(s)
  • From within the Bulk Actions drop down box, select Delete.
  • Click on the Apply button

Within the Authors & Users group, you have the ability to assign role-based permissions to different participants on your blog. The participants must be registered users of blogs.oregonstate.edu.

The five different roles are as followed:

  • Administrator: a user who has access to all of the administration features on your blogsite – grant this with extreme caution
  • Editor: a user who can publish posts, manage their own posts, as well as manage other people’s posts
  • Author: a user who can publish and manage their own posts only
  • Contributor: a user who can write and manage their own posts, but not publish them (these would have to be moderated by a higher role)
  • Subscriber: a user who can read comments, make comments, receive news letters, etc.

Go to http://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities#Roles for a detailed explanation of each role’s permissions

To view the registered members of your blog, as well as their respective roles, from within your Dashboard, click on Users – this will automatically open up the Authors & Users list.