Widgets are small add-on features that can help make your site more enjoyable or efficient.  You may choose to use any or all of the available Widgets, or none, if you prefer.

The Available Widgets on blogs.oregonstate.edu are:

  • Akismet: Shows the number of spam entries blocked.
  • Archives: A monthly archive of your blog’s posts
  • Calendar: A calendar of your blog’s posts.
  • Categories: A list of the categories used on your site.
  • Links: External links managed through your blogroll.
  • Meta: Log in / log out, Admin, Feed, and WordPress links.
  • Pages: The pages within your blog.
  • Recent Comments: The most recent comments left on your blog.
  • Recent Posts: The most recent posts on your blog.
  • RSS: Entries from an RSS or Atom feed.
  • Search: A search form for your blog.
  • Tag Cloud: Your most used tags in a cloud format.
  • Text: Arbitrary text or HTML that you create for whatever purpose you need.

Enable a Widget

To enable a Widget, do the following:

  • From within your Dashboard, click on Appearance > Widgets.
  • Choose a Widget from either the Available Widgets or Inactive Widgets list by clicking on it.
    • Available Widgets: These Widgets are “fresh”, they have had no configurations performed on them.
    • Inactive Widgets: These Widgets are ones that may have been in use previously and have been configured in some manner.
  • Drag the Widget to the right and place it in a Sidebar region.
  • Most Widgets have some small configurations that can be made, such as changing the name of the title.  If there is an arrow to the right of the Widget block, click it to open up the Widget’s configuration panel.
  • Make any configurations that you desire.
  • Click the Save button.

Disable a Widget

To disable a Widget, do the following:

  • From within your Dashboard, click on Appearance > Widgets.
  • Drag the Widget to be removed from the Sidebar region and place it in either the Available Widgets group or the Inactive Widgets group.
    • Available Widgets: Dragging Widgets back to this area will erase all configurations that have been made.
    • Inactive Widgets: Dragging Widgets to this area will remove them from the sidebar but will retain their configurations.
  • Click the Save button.

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