Getting Started

Starting a blog here at is really easy.  Before beginning, you’ll need to know the following things:

Network Identification

To initiate your blog at, a valid ONID is required.

An ONID is used by students, faculty, and staff at OSU to log into the university network.  If you can’t remember your ONID information, the folks at the OSU Computer Helpdesk can give you a hand.  You can call them at x73474, or visit the ONID home page at

Where to Go

To start a new blog, you’ll need to go to the home page of at  When you reach the home page, click on the Create a New Blog link.

Registration and Set-Up

To register and set-up for the first time, click the Create a New Blog link.  This link will take you to the WordPress Sign Up page where you will need to complete a short registration form with the following information:

Blog Name – this name actually ends up being part of your URL.  Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed in this field.  If you enter spaces, punctuation, or capital letters, you will receive an error message requesting a name that contains only lower case letters and/or numbers.

Blog Title field – this is what’s displayed as a title on your blog. You can use mixed case and spaces here.

Privacy option – this determines whether you want your blog to be publicly visible.  Choosing “Yes” publicizes your blog.  Choosing “No” keeps it private.

Blog Category field – select the category your blog will fall under: Student, Student Group, Staff, Faculty, or Department.

After all of your information has been entered, just click the Create Blog button.  You will be redirected to a new screen, informing you that the blog is yours.  To log in to this blog, just click the Login link.

When you log in to your blog for the first time, a Terms of Use and Privacy Policy screen will appear.  Make sure you read these items as they contain important information regarding both the appropriate use of university resources as well as how Central Web Services handles private electronic information.  Click the I Agree button to continue logging into your blog.

Now you’re ready to start personalizing your blog and publishing your material!

Multiple Blogs

As a side note, you can create more than one blog: perhaps you may want one blog dedicated to research on a particular subject, while maintaining a separate, personal blog.

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