The Initial Teacher Licensure Program for the preparation of science and mathematics teachers for grades 5-12 is a challenging full-time program. The program emphasizes the development of a teacher’s ability to transform what he or she knows into teaching strategies that make that knowledge accessible to learners. Specific attention is paid to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to be a successful teacher of science and mathematics.


In the program, students complete a total of 55 graduate hours over summer, fall, winter, and spring terms. As part of the coursework, students complete one part-time and one full-time student teaching practicum at the middle and high school levels. Upon successful completion of all of the requirements listed in the Program Benchmarks, students receive their initial teaching license and a Master’s degree (M.S.) in Science or Mathematics Education.

These are state and national standards for accreditation and it is our expectation that all educators graduating from our programs will meet or exceed these standards.

Teacher Standards and Practices Commission Oregon

Classroom Teachers:

  • Plan instruction that supports student progress in learning and is appropriate for the developmental level
  • Establish a classroom climate that is conducive to learning
  • Engage students in planned learning activities
  • Evaluate, act upon, and report student progress in learning
  • Exhibit professional behaviors, ethics, and values

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

  • Content knowledge
  • Pedagogical content knowledge and skills
  • Professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills
  • Student learning
  • Professional dispositions
  • Experience working with diverse populations.
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