What are the days the pre-service teacher will be at the student teaching placement?

  • Throughout the winter term (first day back from winter break through spring break), the pre-service teachers should observe in their spring student teaching practicum sites a minimum of 8 hours per week.

What are the expectations for winter term observations?

  • The purpose of the winter term observations is to help the pre-service teachers become familiar with the school, their cooperating teacher’s style, and their students.
  • Pre-service teachers will work with their cooperating teachers during the term to find out about the curriculum they’ll be teaching so they can begin their planning early on.  If possible, cooperating teachers and pre-service teachers should come to a consensus on work sample topics and dates by the end of February so planning can begin.
  • All pre-service teachers are currently working on their Master’s Project.  The data collection for this project may or may not occur at their practicum site depending on the questions they are asking.
  • Pre-service teachers may teach full lessons or parts of lessons in conjunction with their cooperating teacher.  They may not, however, take over instructional responsibilities until spring term begins.
  • As the pre-service teachers are only observing and do not have instructional duties, they do not have a university supervisor during the winter term.

Who do I contact if there are problems?

  • As the pre-service teachers are only observing and do not have instructional duties, they do not have a university supervisor during the winter term.
  • If there are any issues that need to be resolved, please contact the licensure coordinator.

Winter Term Registration Information

SED 509 – (3 credits) Winter Classroom Practicum

SED 515 – (3 credits) Analysis of Classrooms II

TCE 599 – (3 credits) Funds of Knowledge


SED 576 – (4 credits) Pedagogy & Technology II Math


SED 577 – (4 credits) Pedagogy & Technology II Science

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