What’s a Work Sample?

The Work Sample is one of the requirements for licensure in the state of Oregon. Basically, the Work Sample is a unit plan that you’ll develop and teach. In addition to lesson plans and assessments, the Work Sample includes unit goals and essential questions, and a discussion about the rationale for the unit and the context in which it will be taught. You’ll also write a reflection for each lesson you teach and you’ll do an overall analysis of student learning that occurred as a result of the lessons.

The Fall Work Sample must include a minimum of 7 instructional hours spread over at least 5 days. (Your OSU supervisor will help you determine exactly what constitutes an “instructional hour” in your particular setting.) You’ll teach a slightly longer Work Sample Spring term.

In essence, the Work Sample is a demonstration of your ability to plan and teach a unit and to analyze your students’ learning. TSPC requires that you write one Work Sample for every endorsement you’re seeking on your license.

What support will I get in developing my Work Sample?

During September Experience, you’ll discuss possible unit topics for your Work Sample with your cooperating teacher. The specific unit must be identified by the end of September. You’ll then spend the month of October planning the unit in your OSU courses. During this time, you’ll receive feedback from your instructors and your peers. You’ll also continue to consult with your cooperating teacher and your OSU supervisor.

When can I begin teaching the Fall Work Sample?

The Fall Work Sample will be taught during the last 6 weeks of Fall term. Before you can begin teaching the Work Sample, you’ll need to submit your Work Sample Unit plan to your supervisor and your cooperating teacher for feedback. (You’ll receive a template for the unit plan in your Fall courses.) Once they have both approved your plan, you’ll submit this to the program coordinator for final approval and can then begin teaching the unit.

When is the Fall Work Sample due?

The Work Sample itself is divided into sections. Each of these sections will be required assignments in your OSU courses during Summer, Fall, and Winter terms. The bulk of the first Work Sample will be written during Fall term, but the Context will be written during the Summer Term September Experience and the Analysis of Student Learning will be done during Winter Term. By the end of Winter term, you’ll compile all of the sections and submit your Work Sample to the program coordinator.

NOTE: We recommend that you keep a hard copy and 2 electronic copies of each section of your Work Sample. That way you’ll have back-ups in case of a computer crash!!!

Are there any other assignments for Part-time Student Teaching in addition to the Work Sample?

Yes. A description of each of these assignments is included in the SED 509 syllabus.

Are there any classes during the Part-time Student Teaching?

During the September Experience, you’ll meet as a cohort at OSU eight times (every Tuesday and Thursday in September, 4:00 – 6:00 pm).

During OSU’s Fall term, you’ll meet 3 afternoons each week for courses in Assessment (SED 511) and Pedagogy & Technology (SED 573/574). You will also be taking a course in Classroom Management.  You will also meet one day a week for the SED 509 seminar.  In addition to the SED courses, some of you may also be taking a graduate-level subject matter course in science or mathematics.

NOTE: Once classes begin at OSU, you will need to leave your school by noon so that you have time to eat lunch before your afternoon classes begin.

Whom should I notify if I need to be absent in case of illness?

  • Your Cooperating Teacher – You are responsible for providing plans for the classes in which your cooperating teacher will substitute during your absence.
  • Your University Supervisor – either by email or phone so that your supervisor has an opportunity to reschedule his/her day.

How often will my University Supervisor be at the site?

  • Your university supervisor will visit you in your classroom at the beginning of the school year to meet your cooperating teacher and to answer any questions that either of you have.
  • Your supervisor will also complete a minimum of 3 observations during Fall term.  You will only be notified of the first visit; others are likely to be unannounced.
  • In addition, you will be in contact with your supervisor on a weekly basis during the first 5 weeks of fall term to plan your Work Sample.

How will I receive feedback about my teaching?

  • At the end of each classroom visit, your supervisor will provide you with written feedback and will discuss any questions or concerns that either of you may have.
  • Your cooperating teacher will also conduct 3 formal observations of your teaching and will provide you with written feedback.
  • Your supervisor will conduct formative evaluations during three-way conferences with you and your cooperating teacher twice during the term. The first evaluation must be completed after third week and before October 8. The second evaluation must be completed towards the end of Fall term (before Finals week)  These evaluations may be scheduled on the same day as an observation.
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