Review of HubSpot’s Content Marketing Certification Program

Looking to get a content marketing certification? Take a look at my assessment of HubSpot’s Content Marketing Certification Program and the pros and cons I saw.

It took me about 8 hours to earn my certification from HubSpot. What I really enjoyed about the program was the level at which the content was communicated; it was very straightforward and relatable. Its emphasis on storytelling and how to be an effective storyteller really drove the course’s content. Additionally, the program was extremely interactive and quizzed the viewer on every chapter of the course to reconfirm what had been taught. Along with the quizzes, HubSpot also offers a database of other HubSpot users to answer collective questions together about the course. At one point through this database, I was asked to describe a company I know that effectively uses storytelling to drive brand awareness and sales. After completing my answer, I was able to view hundreds of other answers made by other HubSpot users. However, despite how much I enjoyed this program, it still came with its setbacks. I didn’t enjoy certain “teachers” who led videos; some talked faster, slower, or more energetically than others. It was easy to pay attention to the teachers that were engaging, but there were quite a few that lacked personality and energy, making it difficult to pay attention and take notes.

I can honestly say that I had not frustrations or difficulties. The length of the program felt perfect and not overdone or underdone considering the topic. Some content felt repetitive or was that of common knowledge, leaving me feeling like I had already learned the information.

I learned from this program the power of storytelling; it’s an art and it takes time to make quality content. An overall theme was that storytelling is adaptable; one version of your story won’t last forever as consumer preferences are always changing. With that said, content marketers have to be adaptable to when consumers or the external environment changes. HubSpot offered very specific information on how to draft, curate, and change content as a company creates it.

The latter parts of the certification program are definitely important for content marketers to learn and understand because they offer specific actions marketers can take; however, good marketers should already understand the content in the first few chapters that describe why storytelling is important. On a scale of 1-10, I personally would rate this program at a solid 8. The information towards the middle and the end of the program are very specific and foundational for content marketers in 2023. This is huge! HubSpot dives into how to title a post, when to post, how often to post, how to utilize industry influencers, and how to successfully use current, popular social media. These topics and many more are essential for content markets in 2023 to understand and utilize. The time we live in is changing every day, and marketers are at the forefront of connecting consumers to products and services. Because marketers are quintessential to the consumer’s online experience, they need to be extremely knowledgeable on current content marketing strategies. HubSpot’s certification program will help marketers achieve just that!

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