Writing Exercise #9 – W. P. Hanage’s article

  • Can experiments detect differences that matter?
    • Absolutely, this is the basis of all advancement that has been made in all areas of science. The ability to experimentally prove causation allows us to build off of other ideas and develop new ideas, methods and technology.
  • Does the study show causation or correlation?
    • Causation occurs when the occurrence of something directly leads to an influence on something else. Correlation, on the other hand, just means that the occurrence of two things are somewhat linked. Correlation, at best, suggests a strong relationship between two variables while causation shows absolute linkage between two variables. As I read this question a quote from a previous stats course came to mind, “correlation does not imply causation!” It’s important to remember that while a correlation may insinuate a relationship, the presence of confounding variables is always possible.
  • What is the mechanism?
    • Essentially, the mechanism mentioned in this paper revolves around the idea that once a relationship is found, the next step is to try to determine the mechanisms behind it, how they influence each other, and if the relationship is replicable .
  • How much do experiments reflect reality?
    • This question is difficult to answer. The actual reflection on reality shifts between experiments and is a very important factor to keep in mind when reading any scientific literature. For example, reading a study about a biochemical reaction of a drug is informative, but considering the actual environment and other factors which could influence it within the human body is imperative before any human trials could occur.,
  • Could anything else explain the results?
    • As mentioned above, confounding variables are always important to keep in mind as they could be influencing the results. In some cases, it may be difficult to fully explain the results. But being vigilant for potentially confounding factors and emphasizing replicability can help to reduce their impact.

Overall, I would say that #4 and #5 are the most important when discussing controversy surrounding scientific literature. Peers suggesting possible confounding variables, or alternate mechanisms in differing environments are important comments and things the researchers may not have properly considered initially. However, these are all important questions to consider during the scientific review process.

Writing Exercise #8- Article and Review Reflection

I found the article somewhat confusing and I had a difficult time initially taking in all the details and their meaning but I was able to understand the larger takeaways and their purpose. I then went on to read the review, and found that this helped me digest the content and better understand the paper. After reading both and having a good general understanding, I went back and read back over the areas which initially confused me with the aid of the review. Overall, I think the review helps to drive home the points and provides a more palatable approach to understanding the paper.

One main takeaway was the difference between our ability to sequence in this weeks classes versus the time period described in Fleischmann’s paper. Its clear to me that with our current technology genome sequencing has gone from taking six months to under an hour. This is an incredible advancement and made me feel very thankful for the developments in our field which make information so accessible. I am personally not a huge fan of the coding we’ve been doing, but it provides us with incredible information and ability.