The ability to review others ideas and methods in writing on the same prompt was extremely valuable and allowed me to gain new insight into my own writing’s format. In all of my experience peer reviewing, I have found it is easier to see errors in someone else’s work over your own. Perhaps this is because you’re invested in your own work, and know the thoughts behind each statement, rather than reading it at “face value.” However, after reading through and editing other’s work, it is always far easier to then notice errors or inconsistencies in my own. After peer reviewing papers a few weeks ago, I went back and read through my own paper. I noticed several errors and a conceptual miscommunication that I had not picked up on after several readings. I believe exercising this helped me get a higher score and review my own work with a fresh perspective.
Additionally, I feel reading others ideas helps me to become inspired in working on my own. Each paper I have read had fresh, unique ideas which I was, one way or another, able to apply to my own writing. Even if not directly, it allowed me to read my own writing with another “voice” in mind. I think that perspective shift is extremely valuable in exercises like this regardless, but especially during COVID when it is difficult to interact and get others perspectives.