Welcome to the OSU Government Relations Newsletter.

With this communication, we’ll highlight some of the work conducted by the office, updates from the state legislature and congressional delegation, university engagements with elected officials and other OSU news. The newsletter will be sent at least quarterly. We encourage you to share this newsletter with your colleagues. They can also sign up by using this link.

OSU-Cascades Chancellor Sherm Bloomer joins Central Oregon legislators Senator Tim Knopp, Representative Jason Kropf, Representative Emerson Levy and Senator-Elect Anthony Broadman in celebrating the grand opening of OSU-Cascades Student Success Center.
OSU-Cascades Chancellor Sherm Bloomer joins Central Oregon legislators Senator Tim Knopp, Representative Jason Kropf, Representative Emerson Levy and Senator-Elect Anthony Broadman in celebrating the grand opening of OSU-Cascades Student Success Center.

To kick off the new year, OSU-Cascades had a grand opening ceremony for the newly built Student Success Center on January 7. The 17,500 square-foot Student Success Center will feature spaces for study and tutoring, arts presentation, informal gathering and student programming, in addition to offices and facilities for staff who are critical to supporting student success including academic and career advising, health and wellness counseling, student government and The Bridge, the new multicultural space.

State Relations

The 2025 Oregon Legislative Session will convene on January 21, and tackling Oregon’s underinvestment in higher education will be the top priority for Oregon’s public universities. The public universities are requesting a $1.275B investment in the Public University Support Fund to support student success and help keep tuition increases below 5%. Unfortunately, the Governor only allocated $1.08B in her budget, which is below the universities’ base operational costs for the next biennium. 

OSU is focusing legislative priorities in areas that will support Prosperity Widely Shared by supporting student success, research development, and community and state collaboration and service. Click here for a copy of OSU’s 2025 legislative agenda.

For the 2025 session, there are leadership changes in all of the higher education related committees. 

  • After serving several sessions as co-chair of the Ways & Means Education Subcommittee, Senator Lew Frederick (Portland) will chair the Senate Education Committee. He replaces longtime chair Senator Michael Dembrow (Portland), who is retiring from public office. 
  • In the House, Representative Zack Hudson (Troutdale) will chair the House Higher Education and Workforce Committee replacing Representative John Lively (Springfield), who will now chair the House Climate, Energy, and Environment Committee. 
  • The Ways & Means Education Subcommittee will be co-chaired by Representative Ricki Ruiz (Gresham) and Senator Janeen Sollman (Hillsboro). The previous co-chairs, Representative Susan McLain (Forest Grove) and Senator Lew Frederick (Portland), will remain on the committee.

Legislative Dates of Importance

  • January 21 | Legislative Session Convenes 
  • February 26 | Revenue Forecast 
  • March 5 | OSU Statewides Lobby Day 
  • March 21 | Deadline for Bills to Move Out of Committees in Their Chamber of Origin 
  • April 3 | OSU Lobby Day & Legislative Reception 
  • May 14 | Revenue Forecast 
  • May 23 | Deadline for Bills to Move Out of 2nd Chamber Committees 
  • June 29 | Constitutional Sine Die 

For further information or questions or to flag specific issues or actions of interest, please reach out to Katie.Fast@oregonstate.edu or Katheryn.yetter@oregonstate.edu.

Federal Relations

The new year brings a new Congress and a new administration. On January 3, the 119th Congress gaveled in with new GOP leadership at the helm of the U.S. Senate, and a tight GOP majority leading the U.S. House of Representatives. The Trump-Vance Administration is set to be sworn in on January 20.

For Oregon, the incoming administration and new Congress brings changes. On the congressional front, the delegation is welcoming two new members, including Rep. Maxine Dexter (CD-3), representing the Portland-Hood River region, and Rep. Janelle Bynum (CD-5), representing the Oregon City-Bend region. Outgoing Rep. Lori-Chavez-DeRemer, former representative of CD-5, is the nominee for Secretary of Labor for the incoming Trump Administration.

OSU is monitoring developments and shifts in the federal policy landscape including both legislative efforts and executive branch actions that are of direct interest to Oregon State University communities and our mission.

While the Government Relations Office is focused on what’s ahead, the Biden-Harris Administration is closing out its tenure. We are thankful to see an announcement from the Biden-Harris Administration on January 14 to provide ~$45M to the Corvallis Microfluidics Tech Hub. This meaningful support from the Oregon delegation will help champion this OSU-led opportunity for the state.

For further information or questions or to flag specific issues or actions of interest, please reach out to Gabrielle.Serra@oregonstate.edu.

Additional Updates

Oregon Business Plan’s 22nd Annual Leadership Summit in December brought over 1,100 Oregonians together. Attendees, including elected officials, business leaders, and community members discussed ways to strengthen the collaborative efforts that will help Oregon’s economy thrive. The Summit focused on innovative workforce and talent development pathways, addressing Oregon’s pressing economic challenges and opportunities. Breakout sessions offered deeper insights into topics such as talent development through industry consortia and rural economic development, providing participants with actionable insights and collaborative opportunities.  

  • During the Summit, OSU President Jayathi Murthy and University of Oregon President Karl Scholz, joined a panel with moderator Jordan Papé, president and CEO, the Papé Group, where they described how the two universities contribute to a robust innovation ecosystem in the southern Willamette Valley. OSU plays a pivotal role in driving innovation through cutting-edge research, partnerships with local industries, and support for startups and entrepreneurs. The panel discussion highlighted how these efforts contribute to job creation, economic development, and the overall prosperity of the Southern Willamette Valley, making it a vibrant hub for innovation.
OSU President Jayathi Murthy engages with moderator Jordan Papé, president and CEO, the Papé Group.  Photo credit: The Oregon Business Plan 
OSU President Jayathi Murthy engages with moderator Jordan Papé, president and CEO, the Papé Group. 
Photo credit: The Oregon Business Plan.

OSU in the News

Partners in the OSU-NAGPRA Facility (left to right): Chief Jefferson Greene Jr., Wasco Chief, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; Wilson Wewa, Tribal Council, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; Jayathi Murthy, Oregon State University president; Scott Vignos, Oregon State vice president and chief diversity officer; Dawn Marie Alapisco, director of NAGPRA office at Oregon State; Chance White-Eyes, director of Tribal relations at Oregon State; Chief Doug Barrett, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians. Courtesy of Alteza Films via OSU.
Partners in the OSU-NAGPRA Facility (left to right): Chief Jefferson Greene Jr., Wasco Chief, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; Wilson Wewa, Tribal Council, Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; Jayathi Murthy, Oregon State University president; Scott Vignos, Oregon State vice president and chief diversity officer; Dawn Marie Alapisco, director of NAGPRA office at Oregon State; Chance White-Eyes, director of Tribal relations at Oregon State; Chief Doug Barrett, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians. Courtesy of Alteza Films via OSU.

Welcome to the new OSU Government Relations Newsletter.

With this this new communication, we’ll highlight some of the work conducted by the office, updates from the state legislature and congressional delegation, university engagements with elected officials and other OSU news. The newsletter will be sent at least quarterly. You’ve received this inaugural addition because you were subscribed to our updates previously. We encourage you to share this newsletter with your colleagues. They can also sign up by using this link.

Senator Ron Wyden joins President Murthy at the OSU vs. Purdue Football Game. On September 21, Senator Wyden joined Beaver Nation at Reser Stadium to help cheer the football team on to a win against Purdue. Senator Wyden also visited with Athletic Director Scott Barnes and Benny the Beaver on the field, engaged with special guests from across OSU and industry in the state who are leading on robotics and artificial intelligence and watched some of the game with leaders and friends from OSU colleges of Business, Forestry, Agriculture, and Engineering. Go Beavs!

State Relations

Quarterly, when the state legislature is not in session, legislators come to Salem for interim committee hearings for what is known as Legislative Days. These meetings provide opportunities for committees to receive briefings and updates on issues under their jurisdiction.

Associate Vice Provost for Economic Development and Industry Relations, Rebecca Robinson testifying before the House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee.

The House Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade Committee invited Rebecca Robinson, associate vice provost for Economic Development and Industry Relations (EDIR), to testify on OSU’s engagement in the outdoor products segment. She shared information on OSU’s Center for the Outdoor Economy, OSU-Cascades outdoor products degree and marker space and the vision for the Innovation District at OSU-Cascades. Other panelists spoke on the mass timber and food/beverage sectors, additional target sectors for OSU’s new EDIR division. We are very appreciative to the chair, Representative Daniel Nguyen, for the committee’s focus and invitation.

The Senate Rules and Executive Appointment Committee heard from citizens who the Governor submitted for Senate confirmation for appointment to numerous state boards and commissions. Five new OSU trustees were confirmed by the Senate for appointment or reappointment:

  • Lisa Hale, CEO of Grace Bio-Labs, a woman-owned, global biotechnology company headquartered in Bend.
  • Toby Luther, CEO of Lone Rock Resources, a balanced and diversified real assets and natural resources investment company in Roseburg and chair of the Ford Family Foundation.
  • Camille Palmer, associate professor and associate school head of nuclear science and engineering.
  • Julie Manning (reappointment) former vice president for Marketing, Communications and Community Health Promotion at Samaritan Health Services and past mayor of Corvallis.
  • Susan Clark (reappointment), an accountant with University Facilities, Infrastructure, and Operations.

For further information or questions or to flag specific issues or actions of interest, please reach out to Katie.Fast@oregonstate.edu.

Federal Relations

Congress completed a last sprint of activity in September prior to breaking for an extended recess on September 26 to prepare for the November 11 election. Congress will not be back in session until November 12 and then will have limited days in session to complete work before this Congress officially ends on January 3, 2025.

The main activity OSU working on with Congress is the status of funding to maintain federal government operations and the fiscal year 2025 appropriations legislation. Importantly, on September 26, Congress enacted a clean continuing resolution to maintain government operations and programs with level funding through December 20.

The outcome of the federal election in November has an outsize influence on how the parties in both the House, Senate and the White House will position on negotiations. We can’t yet predict how things will go until the election shows us what the future political balance of power will be across Congress and the White House. Currently, both the House and Senate have set up wide differences in priorities and funding levels for fiscal year 2025 spending across government which would have varying impacts across the research and education programs that the OSU community cares about.

We also continue to work on other bills on deck for action by Congress before the end of the year. Key bills include the Farm Bill, the National Defense Authorization Act, and we’re tracking select other smaller bills members of the OSU community have flagged for interests or concerns.

As the last quarter of the Biden administration nears, agencies are working hard to continue to issue and advance programs and funding, particularly Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funds, and to prepare for the new Congress and administration, including the early stages of a fiscal year 2026 budget request. Processes have slowed down on the regulatory front, and we will reconsider our expectations for the future regulatory agenda with national colleagues following the outcome of the November elections. For further information or questions or to flag specific issues or actions of interest, please reach out to Gabrielle.Serra@oregonstate.edu.

Tribal Relations

Join OSU for events dedicated to decolonizing narratives and histories while showcasing Indigenous people’s resilience, creativity and innovation. A list of planned activities for the week of celebration October 12-17 can be found at indigenous.oregonstate.edu.

These events are open to everyone, emphasizing learning and fostering positive representation. Indigenous Peoples’ Week shifts the narrative from perpetuating harmful myths and stereotypes to celebrating Indigenous people at OSU and beyond.

For further information or questions or to flag specific issues or actions of interest, please reach out to chance.white-eyes@oregonstate.edu.

Additional Updates

  • OSU President Murthy went to Washington, D.C. to meet with federal officials from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation’s Technology Innovation and Partnerships Directorate. On October 1, President Murthy had discussions with officials from these offices focused on strategic initiatives of shared interest to both the Federal Government and OSU for science, engineering, innovation and workforce development. President Murthy promoted OSU’s interests in CHIPS, AI, protecting global collaborations while balancing research security needs, and the potential impacts from signature Federal initiatives to drive innovation important to Oregon, such as the NSF Engines Program and the EDA Tech Hubs. 
  • U.S. Department of Energy Office of Water Power Technologies Office visited OSU. On September10-12, Acting-Director Matt Grosso and Chief Engineer Lauren Ruedy from US DOEWPTO joined OSU and the Pacific Marine Energy Center’s annual all-hands meeting to engage with the regional center’s faculty, students, and partners working to advance marine energy research, development, and testing. The PMEC and PacWave teams also provided the WPTO leaders and guests with a tour and showcase of the significant construction progress this summer of PacWave, the DOEWPTO-supported offshore, grid-connected wave energy technology test facility being built off the coast of Newport. More information on construction progress can be found here.
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan visited OSU. On August 26, OSU hosted Dr. Sethuraman Panchanathan on the Corvallis campus to engage with members of OSU faculty, students, and staff community, and to showcase some examples of what makes OSU unique. President Murthy with Vice President Irem Tumer hosted a half-day of engagements with the director, including an opportunity for him to speak directly to and with members of the OSU research community doing signature work with NSF. OSU also promoted the new PRAx facility and OSU’s efforts to drive arts integration with STEM; highlighting the culture of collaboration and leadership with OSU and the state in semiconductor R&D. We also showcased OSU’s unique strengths and promising students in coastal resilience, marine energy and robotics.
  • Senator Bill Hansell promoted the AgriStress Helpline hosted by OSU Extension during the Pendleton Round-Up. After Senator Hansell sponsored the successful legislation, 9,000 bandannas were distributed by OSU team members during the Pendleton Westward Ho! Parade on August 23. The former University of Oregon alum then took the time to snap a photo with OSU alum, Bryan Wolfe.

Get Involved

Election day is coming up quickly. Oregon’s vote-by-mail system makes it easy to vote, as long as you are registered. To vote in the November 5 election, you must register by October 15. You can review your voter registration information through the Secretary of State’s website. For those that still need to register, TurboVote makes it efficient for all citizens to register, update registration information and receive election reminders.

OSU in the News