Announcement: n-th Annual Combinatorial Potlatch 12/11/10 at Western Washington

Last year I spoke at the n-th Annual Combinatorial Potlatch and had a blast.  The informal workshop is a great idea; I wish there were more regional events like them.  Maybe there are and I just don’t know about them.  The n+1-st Annual Combinatorial Potlatch has been announced – I encourage you to go!

This is the first announcement of the n-th Annual Combinatorial Potlatch, which will be hosted by Western Washington University on Saturday, December 11, 2010 in Bellingham, Washington.

We are close to confirming three speakers for the day’s talks and will soon post a webpage with more details and information that will help you plan your visit.

Main Potlatch Page:

There is no advance registration required, nor any registration fee.  The first talk will be mid to late morning, to allow for travel, followed by a no-host lunch, and two talks later in the afternoon.  Many participants choose to stay for dinner locally.

Combinatorial Potlatches have been held for many years at various locations around Puget Sound and southern British Columbia, and are an opportunity for combinatorialists in the region to gather informally for a day of invited talks and conversation. While most who attend work in, or near, the Puget Sound basin, all are welcome.

Program Committee: Nancy Neudauer, Pacific U
Communications Committee: Rob Beezer, U of Puget Sound
Local Arrangements Committee: Amites Sarkar, Western Washington U

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