Women in Theory workshop — applications due February 29

Applications for attendance at the Women in Theory workshop are due February 29.

The Women in Theory (WIT) Workshop is intended for graduate and undergraduate students in the area of theory of computer science. The workshop will feature technical talks and tutorials by senior and junior women in the field, as well as social events and activities. The motivation for the workshop is twofold. The first  goal is to deliver an invigorating educational program; the second is to bring together theory women students from different departments and foster a sense of kinship and camaraderie.

What I like about this Women in STEM event compared to others is the focus on technical content.  I have been to a number of Women in STEM events and it has, unfortunately, suffered from a “once you’ve been to one you’ve been to them all” feeling.  I wish this workshop had been around in my time.  You may not understand how important it has been to know my fellow female colleagues in theory.  It makes conferences feel much less … sausagey.

I’ll be at the workshop too!  I was invited to speak, and am very excited to be going.  Unfortunately, I’ll have to leave early as I’ll also be starting up the Math/CS REU program at OSU —  applications for that are due today!