Experiences with Discrimination

If I had a favorite company that faced a public lawsuit, I would first want to know, what the context is. The English language is ripe for misinformation and for content to be taken out of context. My initial reaction would be to boycott supporting that company and I probably would stay away from them, because I want to be a person of integrity and those who don’t have integrity are not worthy of my trust. How can I trust a company to provide their product as it should, when they can’t trust each other, because of discrimination and whatever else is being propagated within their walls?

Now, I would be looking to see how they responded to the accusations and the lawsuit. In our country, the concept of justice is being innocent until proven guilty. You can sue anybody for anything, and if there is a section of the company that needs a serious overhaul, then that’s what I look for. Are they seeking to make a workplace that is free from discrimination? Where ideas can flow, and people are respected? If so, then I would consider supporting them, again.

If these developments had taken place, then I would apply for that company and I would ask the hiring manager about the steps they had taken to handle these allegations since they transpired. Every company is going to have issues and for every lawsuit is a hundred where discrimination has taken place. I have been the victim of discrimination and bullying. This was due to a lack of employer oversight and poor training, not a rampant example of discrimination within the culture. In a company of fifty people, one person could be the instigator of discrimination to five and over 10% of the company is experiencing discrimination. This would be rampant and widespread, but due to one person and poor oversight. Context means something and should.

4 thoughts on “Experiences with Discrimination”

  1. Hi Robert,

    Great great answer! I couldn’t agree more and that is what I wrote in my post also. While growing up I was always taught that every story has 2 sides and before we judge anyone we must fully have facts of both sides. So I believe it is really important to know what is going on regardless of just believing media’s news or mouth to mouth conversation. When you believe anything you hear you also don’t have any credibility when making your point.

  2. Hi, good post, it is definitely important that when we apply for the job, we do some researches about the context of company. A company with lawsuits on the working place discrimination should not taken into consideration. Since it is dangerous to work being treated differently

  3. Hi Robert,

    Your point on context bringing a lot of meaning definitely opened my eyes a bit. When I first read through the prompt and thought through my answers, I had a more narrow point of view and was being a bit small minded in comparison.

    1. Hi Nicole, just wanted to say that I really appreciate the fact you took the time to respond to my questions on my reply to your post.

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