Oregon State University
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Fun Stuff Happening At the Office

#FSHAO … f'sh@o

Dollar Bake Sale on Wednesday, July 8th!

June 30th, 2015




On Wednesday, July 8th, Ecampus’ Fun Stuff Happening @ the Office (F’SH@O) will be hosting a Dollar Bake Sale in Enrollment Services on the 4th floor of the Valley Library! Don’t worry about packing snacks. 🙂 Last year we had tasty gluten free treats too!


We are raising funds for new Ecampus employee welcome coffees, quarterly events, and other F’SH@O activities.


For more information, contact Erica.


You can find enrollment services at the big red star, along the windows of the 4th floor:

Bake Sale Map

Scrapbooking Saturday

June 10th, 2015

Interested in Scrapbooking? This Saturday June 13th, from 9am-4pm, Carrie Davis and Warren Blyth have rented the “community” room at Market of Choice (upstairs next to elevators). Anyone who wants to bring their stuff by, lay it out, and do some scrapbooking: is welcome. No fee.

DIY : OSU walking tour

June 1st, 2015

OSUtourFrontNone of us were able to attend the walking history tour Larry Landis hosted back on Mother’s Day. BUT. Tianhong found another way we can take part in this sort of activity! She acquired a packet of pamphlets from Susan Padgett, in the Oak Creek Building by 30th street. Feel free to stop by and ask Tianhong if she has any more pamphlets.

Also you can surf by http://tour.library.oregonstate.edu/ to grab the app!

edit: plus, i’ll put a photo of the back of the flyer after the break, so you can read through it all surreptitiously here online.
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Party: May the Fourth (Be with You)! – Star Wars trivia and movie night

May 1st, 2015

Monday is May the 4th, and that’s Star Wars day!

WHAT: Let’s get together and pay tribute to one of the greatest movies of all time – by talking over the movie and challenging each other with a range of trivia (for prizes). Fsh@o will provide pizza, popcorn, and blue milk (and the prizes).

WHEN: We plan to kick off the ceremony with trivia and trailers at 6pm, and start Episode IV: A New Hope by 6:30 pm. You’re welcome to show up late, but by 8:30pm: this party’s over.*

NOTE: If you plan to attend – please contact warren and get the address!
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Zenfest at Dixon Rec, Saturday, April 25th

April 23rd, 2015

Dixon Rec is offering a free all day yoga marathon, called Zenfest, on Saturday, April 25th. There will be sessions that last anywhere from an hour to an hour and 45 minutes from 9:30am until 4:30pm.


Erica is planning on going, but hasn’t picked any sessions yet! Leave a comment on what ones sound interesting and we can go together!

Darkside offers a free (old) movie each Tuesday @7pm

April 20th, 2015

Ygal Kaufman hosts a free movie each Tuesday night at Darkside Cinemas, and offers some brief trivia to kick each film off.

If you’re planning to go, leave a comment and we’ll try to join you (maybe mention why that week’s movie is exciting). (for example: warren is thinking of going on the 28th, because Fritz Lang was a visionary. If anyone else wants to go, he’ll be 100% more likely to be there).

More info on previous and upcoming movies here : https://cmnyk.wordpress.com/

Tomorrow (Friday April 10) is Bring your Kids to Campus day!

April 9th, 2015

OSU is hosting Bring Your Kids to Campus Day on April 10th, 2015. Bring your Kids to Campus Day is a way to celebrate family, the importance of education and to highlight the myriad of family-friendly activities on campus. Register in advance and each child in your family will receive a snack bag with a water bottle, fruit, cheese, and veggies!

more info: http://childcare.oregonstate.edu/bring-your-kids-campus-day

Campus Walking Tour – Sunday May 10 :: 2-4pm

April 9th, 2015

220px-OSAC_Benton_Hall Want to learn a little about the history of OSU campus?
Larry Landis, a Director in the Special Collections & Archives Research Center, offers a campus tour each May as part of the local community’s historic preservation month celebration. This year’s tour is Sunday, May 10 from 2-4 pm. If you’re interested please RSVP by commenting on this post, or emailing Warren Blyth.
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Ecampus Yoga Class

April 1st, 2015

Linda Coulson, of Peace, Love and Yoga studio in downtown Corvallis has agreed to a private yoga session for Ecampus on Wednesday, April 8 at 5:30 p.m. The yin yoga that she offers basically erases the aches and pains associated with sitting in a desk all day; it’s that good! All levels of ability are welcome.  You don’t need to bring anything with you, she will provide all of the mats and props that you will need. Just be sure to wear clothes that are comfortable and allow you to stretch out.

Because the studio has limited space, 9 people can practice comfortably (10 including Linda), please sign up as soon as you can if you are interested. Amy Theis can answer most questions that you may have, or you may contact Linda directly through her website.

Linda is providing the course for $50 regardless of how many people attend, so the closer we get to 9, the less it will cost each person. Although this was created for Ecampus employees, there may be opportunities for family members to attend if less than 9 employees are interested.

Are you interested, but can attend on the 8th? Let us know so we can set up more opportunities like this!


April 1st, 2015
