Inventory of my left pocket at day’s end:

-1 shock- and water-resistant cell phone
-1 small Post-It note reading as follows:
-1 large Post-It note reading as follows: [Internal IP address]
19:41 (MMHMM)
-1 printed to-do list from Mark with seven items (three crossed off)
-1 scrap of paper with the letters “MTS” written on it

I’ll leave it to you to figure out what all these things might mean. In summary, we had a lot to do today. In addition to the tasks that left written records on my person, we also set up cameras and prepared the website to go public. We still have much to do.

Most of our cameras receive power over ethernet. However, we’re connecting them to the network wirelessly, which requires us to plug each one into a power outlet. The placement of our outlets still makes this preferable.

I suggested making the cameras completely wireless by installing an immense Tesla coil in the auditorium. Sadly, my colleagues did not express confidence that a looming chrome monstrosity surrounded by roaring blue lightning would make science more approachable to the general public.

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