CS 461 – Post #2

My team has decided on using Flutter to develop our mobile veterinary application. We chose to use Flutter because it is a popular framework that can be used to develop apps for both Android and iOS, which is a requirement that our sponsor has brought to our attention. It seems as though no one in my group, me included, has any prior experience creating mobile apps, so we will be learning together as we work. I am excited to start learning Flutter as mobile development has interested me for some time now.

Another reason why we have chosen to use Flutter is because of the option to use SQLite. One of the main problems that we have discussed during planning is the fact that the app will be used by rural veterinarians who might not always have an active internet connection. We want to make sure that our app can be used in its entirety without internet/data. SQLite will allow for us to create and manage local databases that can help us achieve this goal.

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