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Experiences with Discrimination

  April 9th, 2024

If this claim was true, it would have a definite effect of my use and view of the brand. In a lot of ways, the brands we use and invest in can be seen as an extension of ourselves. We choose real estate agents we like, we drive cars that we want to be seen in, and we wear clothing brands that we feel represent us. One example in particular would be my choice in clothes; I like to use brands that are sturdy, and also have a reputation for quality and consistency. If I read that article and found that a particular clothing brand was engaging in widespread discrimination, I would more than likely stop wearing the brand because I wouldn’t want to be associated with this behavior.

Just like the outdated “Voodoo” interviewing techniques from this week’s reading, it is human nature to make snap judgements about people, and it is easy to sum someone up based upon what they are wearing or any brand they associate with. First of all, I would not want to support a company that is partaking in discrimination because I believe that is wrong; but second of all I would not want to be associated with a brand that could harm my own reputation.

It seems pretty unfathomable to be employed by a company I can’t stand behind morally. I imagine there are a lot of people like me that would not want to work for, invest in, or purchase from a company that was committing widespread discrimination. Consequently, I believe this company would be in a world of hurt, because with so many brands to choose from these days, people have the options and flexibility to invest in who they want.

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