
MGMT 448 IPIP Results and Reaction

The results that I got were surprising. There are somethings that I would disagree with because of the certain circumstances that I am currently in that may have affected the way that I was thinking during the test. There are some categories that I agree with, however. For extroversion, I scored a 40. I assumed that I would be a little more than that, but it may be skewed because of COVID and my inability to be able to be extroverted with people. Agreeableness was 28. As time goes on I begin to trust people less because of the things that I have encountered. There are things that I have maintained consistent like morality and sympathy. For conscientiousness, I scored low on the Self-Efficacy. However, I don’t agree with that score because most of the time I always feel like I am able to do something unless it is a literal physical inability or it has to do something with forecasting and I always assume I am wrong because of the complications of forecasting. Neuroticism I scored a 50 on it because for my current situation I have been very negative and get angry easier. On top of that, I am fasting for Ramadan and when I don’t have food I get angry. Openness to experience is low and I somewhat agree with it. When it comes to going for an experience, I usually don’t seek to do it with myself, I’d rather have someone who has done it before guide me, but it depends on the situation and experience.

Something that employers would see that are strengths of mine is my interpersonal skills and my ability to communicate in situations that may be uncomfortable for others. Another strength of mine is my assertiveness and my ability to take charge lead people through situations. I am also very honest and that is something that is very important as a person. Some of the weaknesses that they can identify from this test is that I look for short term pleasures rather than thinking long-term. Another weakness that they can identify is that I get annoyed and angry easily, however, in my own opinion this is very situational and when I answered the question I only though of all the times I get annoyed and why.

This test may help get a general idea of a person’s personality but the test is definitely affected by the current state of someone and their current situation because it may make the person only think of the current rather than the collective.

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