When thinking about the statement that was provided to us I think that the thing that stands out to me is that a person’s qualifications account for almost 40x as much of the decision outcomes. I think that today companies are focused on getting the top talent no matter who they are. It doesn’t matter what their gender or race is but companies are more focused one their background, personality, skills, and experiences rather than those external characteristics. I think that companies should focus on getting the best talent rather than trying to reduce a less than 1% discrimination gap. I think that it would be better to take their resources and put it towards other things. Companies should continue to be ethical and look for people with diverse experiences and backgrounds, but no company should only look to hire someone based off of sex or race. I think that a company’s main goal should be to stay profitable. Of course there are other things that matter but a business has to be profitable in order to survive. So by prioritizing reducing the gender gap even when it less than one percent isn’t smart. While your company is doing this, another competitor may be using those extra resources they have and investing in their product, expanding production in their operations, and hiring the top employees. This would allow other companies to move ahead of you which could have dire consequences. I think as long as you hire based off of the employees skills, experiences, values, and how they would fit into the company there should be no problem. I have zero problem hiring people base on these criteria.