
Typical vs. Maximal Performance

As a business owner, I would choose Jaime for the essential opening in my company. While I can see the potential someone like Avery might have at my company, I prioritize consistency. Our clients depend on my business to get work done within a certain time frame. They expect a consistent output and effort from us. At the end of the day, Jaime is the best choice for my company because she will be able to keep up with tasks and put out a consistent amount of effort.

A potential job that Avery could excel at is being a lawyer. If I owned a law firm, and was looking for another attorney, I would definitely take Avery into high consideration. Some of the best lawyers may slack on cases they know they will lose or on cases they are guaranteed to win. They may, however, put a lot of energy toward a case that is more ambiguous. This may cause them to put in a huge amount of time an effort to convince the jury to see their client in a more favorable light.

In my opinion, it would make more sense to hire Jaime for a project management job. This type of job requires consistency and the ability to show up prepared for work everyday. Project managers oversee many different aspects of a project from its start to end date. It is important for the individual in this position to keep everyone on task to complete sections of the project within each of their time frames.

One reply on “Typical vs. Maximal Performance”

Hi Esther,
I also chose Jaime. I agree that consistency is really valuable to a company and is important for such an essential position. I think Avrey could still be an excellent employee, but in a different position. I think that you give a good argument for Avery being a lawyer! It wasn’t a path I had considered for them, but I think it would be a good fit. I also agree that Jaime would be good in a project management position because of that consistency.

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