
All endorsement candidates must complete the following six courses (18 credits). By clicking on the course title, you will see additional information about that course. Please note that our course designator changed from TCE to ED in spring 2016. There were also minor changes in some of the course titles. However, the course outcomes were unchanged; TCE and ED courses with the same number remain equivalent for program completion.

Course Descriptions

ED 522 Racial and Cultural Harmony in the K-12 Classroom (3 credits)

An overview of the many issues relevant to the increasingly diverse student population in public schools today.  Explores how a culturally competent perspective can be incorporated into curriculum design, teaching strategies, and interactions with students and parents.  ALTERNATIVE: Candidates who complete ED 219 Civil Rights and Multicultural Issues in Education or ED 521 Funds of Knowledge in Education during their teaching licensure program at OSU may substitute that course for ED 522.

ED 472/572 Foundations of ESOL Education (3 credits)

Examines characteristics of English language learners (ELLs), key theories in language acquisition, the role of culture in language development, and instructional program models for ELLs, while considering implications for classroom instruction.

ED 473/573 Instructional Approaches for ESOL Education (3 credits)

Examines characteristics of standards-based content-area instruction for emergent bilinguals.  Includes integration of content and language development, classroom-based assessment, and use of technology to support student learning. PREREQUISITE: Earn a C (2.0) or higher grade in ED 472/572.

ED 476/576 Partnerships and Ideologies in ESOL Education (3 credits)

Considers social and political issues pertaining to educating English language learners.  Focuses on exploring multiple ideologies in ESOL and building partnerships across schools, families, and communities.  PREREQUISITE: Earn a C (2.0) or higher grade in ED 472/572.

ED 479/579 Linguistics for Teachers (3 credits)

Explores linguistic categories: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse. Focuses on teaching implications—from psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and critical perspectives—for emergent bilingual students in P-12 contexts. PREREQUISITE: Earn a C (2.0) or higher grade in ED 472/572.

ED 410/510 ESOL Internship (3 credits)

Provides endorsement candidates with a structured field experience working with students who are learning English as an additional language. Includes completing 90+ contact hours at an approved internship site, participating in an online-only seminar, and submitting a portfolio based on a unit taught during this internship. PREREQUISITES:  Complete all other program coursework with a B average (3.0) or higher before the internship. Complete an internship placement request form and gain departmental approval at least six weeks in advance.

Course Schedules

For the most up-to-date schedule, go to Schedule of Classes at

You may find a general overview of which terms we offer classes on our Curriculum page at