Frequently Asked Questions

What are the placement requirements for the ESOL Internship?

You must be placed in a classroom with several English learners. Ideally, this means at least five ELs; it could mean as few as three. You must also have a cooperating teacher (mentor) with a current ESOL endorsement on his/her Oregon teaching license.


Are there separate seminar requirements for the ESOL Internship?

When you enroll in the internship, you will be expected to participate in an online seminar via Canvas.  (You will not register for a separate seminar; it’s included in ED 410/510.)  The assignments are entirely focused on guiding you through the portfolio process, step-by-step, and encouraging reflective practice.


I am a licensed teacher with several ELs in my class(es).  Can I complete the internship in my own class(es)?

With your district and school administrators’ approval, you may complete the internship in your own class(es). You may count hours teaching your own students when your class has several students who qualify for EL services and you are focused on integrating ELP standards and ESOL strategies.

You still must, at a minimum, (1) consult with your cooperating teacher in planning your portfolio unit and (2) be observed by your cooperating teacher while you’re teaching ELs. If your cooperating teacher is unable to observe you teaching ELs in person, this requirement may be completed by video recording.


I am a pre-service teacher and dual-enrolled in student teaching and the internship.  Can I turn in the same portfolio for student teaching and the ESOL internship?

No, you cannot. Student teaching requires an edTPA portfolio, which does not adequately address the ESOL endorsement standards. The ESOL internship portfolio is significantly different from edTPA.


I am a pre-service teacher and dual enrolled in student teaching and the internship.  Will I have one or two cooperating teachers?  Will I have one or two university field supervisors?

Whether you have one or two cooperating teachers will depend on available placements.  Unless you request otherwise, it is our goal to offer placements that fit one of the first two scenarios listed in the following table; unfortunately, placements are limited, and we cannot guarantee availability of specific scenarios.

In most cases, you will have separate university supervisors.

Does my student teaching classroom placement have at least three ELs?

Does my student teaching cooperating teacher have a current ESOL endorsement?

Will I have one or two cooperating teachers?

Can I count hours in my student teaching placement toward the ESOL requirements?





















* Please note: If you have different cooperating teachers but teach your ESOL portfolio lessons in your classroom placement for student teaching, you still must, at a minimum, (1) consult with your ESOL cooperating teacher in completing your portfolio and (2) be observed by your ESOL cooperating teacher while you are teaching ELs. Some ESOL cooperating teachers may set further expectations.


How many of my 90+ hours need to be with the English language development (ELD) specialist?

There is no set answer to this question.

If your internship cooperating teacher is the ELD specialist, you need to spend enough time working together that they are comfortable signing your internship evaluation form at the end of the term.  You should observe them teaching English learners (ELs), consult with them in planning your portfolio, and be observed by them while you’re teaching ELs.  Their observations do not require a formal observation form; only your ESOL university field supervisor will complete the formal observation forms for the internship.

If your internship cooperating teacher is not the ELD specialist, you aren’t required to meet with the ELD specialist at all.  Nonetheless, we highly recommend at least observing students you know in an ELD class/group.  The specialist will also be helpful as you complete Portfolio, Part A: Context.

In either case, you’ll want to take advantage of opportunities to work with the ELD specialist.  There is always the possibility that you will be teaching ELD as either a specialist or classroom teacher.  This may be your best preview of that world.  Any experience you can gain teaching or co-teaching ELD lessons with the specialist, will be beneficial.  Even as a classroom teacher, it will give you valuable insight into the role of a specialist in schools.



How do formal observations work?

For the internship, you need to be formally observed twice by your university field supervisor.¹  Formal observations are at least one week apart; it’s best to have them spread out much farther.  You need to communicate with your university field supervisor about when you’ll be teaching and when you prefer to be observed.  Sooner is better for getting on their calendar.

Your university field supervisor will expect you to submit a copy of your lesson plan on Taskstream at least 24 hours prior to observing you teach that lesson.  Some last-minute minor adjustments are normal, just try to keep them minor.

After teaching the lesson, expect to spend some time debriefing with your university field supervisor.  Ideally, you can do this face-to-face immediately afterward.  Once your university field supervisor completes the Formal Observation evaluation in Taskstream, you will be able to see it there.

TSPC recently changed their rules, and we must now require two formal observations from your ESOL cooperating teacher. You will also need to upload a copy of your lesson plan on Taskstream for the lessons your ESOL cooperating teacher is evaluating.

Your ESOL cooperating teacher will be asked to participate in an Internship Team Evaluation at the end of the term and is, hopefully, giving you informal/verbal feedback throughout the term.


¹Formal observations normally occur at the internship site, face-to-face. For candidates who are more than two-hours driving distance from campus, an observation may occur through the use of video. This video will not be shared beyond the endorsement candidate, university field supervisor, and, if necessary, the internship instructor or ESOL endorsement program coordinator.