Writing Exercise #11

I feel like I was able to learn a good amount from this peer review process. As the peer reviewer I definitely felt the process was long and had me reviewing the drafts thoroughly especially with the worksheet that was provided. I feel like during the peer review I was worried about writing my comments in a constructive way and hoping that the authors are not going to take offense to it. I thought it was interesting to evaluate how the references were used in the paper. Something this process helped me on was noticing things I did not include in my rough draft such as evidence that goes against my thesis statement. I also feel like I did not explain some of the references I included so I know that can help me strengthen my final draft. The process also showed me some of the things I should not do in my paper and some factors I should look out for such as making sure my paper has transitions that flow together so that my readers will not be confused. Overall I think the process is beneficial to both the revirer and the writer and can help both parties for the final essay .

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