Craft beers and microbreweries are growing increasingly popular throughout the country. The Automated Home Brewing System created by electrical and computer engineering students Ryan Beert, Brett Stephens, and Paul Larson allows home brewers of any experience level to join the fun and experiment with their own recipes and ideas. Crafting a microbrew is now as simple as making a loaf of bread in a bread maker. Continue reading
Banking dried blood cells
Today, the American Red Cross collects red blood cells via individual donation, and then processes and stores them in liquid form. The cells must be used within a month or else they become waste. Research has shown that spray-dried blood cells theoretically are viable for up to 20 years, but researchers are still looking for optimal ways to dry and store them. Continue reading
Swimming prosthesis improves stroke
Prosthetic legs gave 56-year-old Jeffery Evans the ability to walk, but the exercise eventually proved too hard on his legs, so he took up swimming instead. Swimming, however, also has been a challenge. Luckily, Evans was able to sponsor a senior project that enabled mechanical, industrial and manufacturing engineering students to develop a prosthetic swim fin to further perfect and improve the efficiency of his stroke. The fin designed by students Alex Demith, Ian Lawson, and James Cooper is allowing Evans to keep swimming and stay fit while improving his mobility. Continue reading
Automated mobile chicken coop
Many small farmers use mobile chicken coops called field pens or chicken tractors that require daily repositioning to provide chickens with fresh grass, soil, and air. The system spreads nitrogen-rich droppings that naturally fertilize the land. Continue reading
Protecting grapes from birds
Birds such as robins and starlings enjoy grapes as much as humans do, which tends to cause endless headaches for Willamette Valley growers. Winemakers Dick and Gretchen Evans sponsored mechanical engineering majors Robert Elgin, Peter Cathcart, and Greg Meshnik to develop a solution that would mitigate crop damage by birds before and during the grape harvest season. Continue reading