ChickTechOne-hundred high school girls got first-hand experience with web programming, object-oriented 3D programming, circuits, and more at ChickTech, a workshop co-hosted by Oregon State’s Women and Minorities in Engineering Program. The brainchild of Oregon State alumnus Janice Levenhagen-Seeley, ChickTech is a Portland-based organization focused on building a multi-generational community of women in technology. The organization has presented workshops or events in Portland and Corvallis, with the goal of adding a new city each year. Hoping to address the lack of females in technology-based programs such as engineering and science, they offer hands-on learning opportunities to show young girls that it’s not all boring desk work. Read more…

By Tony Platt’s family

Tony Platt and Midnight
Tony with Midnight, showing off his patented piggy-back-ride trick. Midnight came to Tony as a frightened pup that was evidence in a criminal case and was adopted out 15 months later as a happy, well-adjusted dog with several tricks in his repertoire.

Tony Platt (Electrical Eng. ’07) passed away unexpectedly on May 21, 2012, at age 28. Tony was one of seven children raised by Mark and Kathy Platt in Lake Oswego, Oregon. He had four brothers—Mark, Danny, Nathan, and his twin, Chris—and two sisters, Emily and Betsy. We will always remember Tony for his intelligence, compassion, witty sense of humor, and contagious smile.

After earning a degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State, Tony was working toward an MBA at Portland State University while working full-time as a sales engineer at Analog Devices. Despite a full schedule, he successfully balanced work, school, sports, and volunteer work. For example, he regularly fostered dogs that needed a home prior to being adopted, and in 2011 the Oregon Humane Society awarded him the Diamond Collar Hero Award. He was also an amazing athlete who played soccer, basketball, and golf. Continue reading

Dr. Tyrone Hayes
Dr. Tyrone Hayes, one of the keynote speakers at the 2012 PNW LSAMP Conference (Photo by Justin Chi)

Nearly 230 attendees from across Oregon, Washington, and Idaho gathered for the third-annual 2012 Pacific Northwest Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Conference, hosted by Oregon State on February 10 and 11. The conference supported LSAMP’s effort of increasing the quality and quantity of underrepresented minority (URM) students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degree programs. Continue reading