wpid-drum-roll-pleaseFinal Strat PlanI’m very pleased to share with you here the final draft of the 2016 Division of Outreach & Engagement Strategic Plan.

This draft contains the vision, mission, values, goals, and strategy text that will go into the final, polished set of plan documents. In the coming months Ann Marie Murphy, the Division Communications & Marketing Manager, will be working on designing those polished documents – so expect a formal launch of the Strategic Plan in a couple of months.

In the meantime, enjoy this version of the plan!


The Strategic Planning Process is coming to a close, so here’s an update on how it all went.

Overall, the take-home is that we stuck with our original plan and we engaged hundreds of Division staff, faculty, and administrators as well as external stakeholders. THANK YOU, everyone!

Here are some visuals of the process:

Phase 1 – developing the Values & Goals

Phase 1 Process Visual_Participation












Phase 2 – developing the Strategies to achieve the Goals

Phase 2 Process Visual_Participation