Phase 2 – Development of Broad Strategies for Achieving Strategic Goals

March 2016 to June 2016

Phase 2 Process Visual


Phase 2 starts with processes to identify an initial set of promising strategies from Division faculty & staff and from other universities. We’ll be running these processes parallel to each other:

  1. Design Division-wide survey data collection effort that will reveal:
  • Strategies Division faculty and staff have used or are using to reach Strategic Goals.
  • Other strategies Division faculty and staff think might help the Division achieve Strategic Goals
  • Strategies Division faculty and staff have seen other universities use to reach Strategic Goals and the names of those universities
  1. At the same time, design data collection effort that will reveal strategies other “like” universities have used to reach goals similar to our goals, using information from faculty and staff about universities with whom we should follow-up

2. Preliminary quick analysis of survey data to identify other universities with whom to follow-up about relevant strategies

3. Implement survey to solicit information from Division faculty and staff about strategies


4. Full survey data analysis to identify all of the strategies faculty and staff think might support goal areas and could be scaled or maintained across the Division


4. (Again, at the same time) Implement data collection effort to gather information about strategies other universities have used to reach goals similar to ours


5. Data analysis to identify strategies other universities have used that might support achievement of Division goals

6. Report survey findings and findings from other universities back to steering committee

Then the process continues in a linear fashion:

  1. Steering Committee creates a preliminary list of strategies to achieve Division’s strategic goals based on faculty and staff survey as well as information gathered from other universities
  2. Reach out to Division faculty and staff as well as external stakeholders in order to solicit their participation in meetings to add strategies to the preliminary list.
  3. Hold regional focus groups (meetings) with faculty, staff, and external stakeholders to identify additional effective strategies for achieving goals (share with them the previously identified strategies before they start brainstorming)
  4. Analysis of focus group data to identify all of the additional strategies faculty, staff, and external stakeholders think will support achievement of goals and should be implemented across the Division
  5. Report findings back to steering committee, and committee selects applicable strategies from the entire list of identified strategies (yielding Draft 1 – Strategies)
  6. Share selected strategies with Executive Leadership Team (Reed, King, and TBA) and eliminate unrealistic strategies (yielding Draft 2 – Strategies)
  7. Share Draft 2 with Division faculty and staff via webinar, publish to blog, get feedback and revise into Draft 3 – Strategies
  8. Share Draft 3 with Executive Leadership Team (Reed, King, and TBA), and revise (yielding Draft 4 – Strategies)
  9. Strategic Plan Steering Committee organizes Draft 4 Strategies into final high-level (broad) strategies and final specific action steps. Those are then published on blog as the final list of strategies that will be included in the Strategic Plan (Executive Summary and Full Plan).
  10. Final Strategic Goals, Values, Strategies, and Action Steps are sent to graphic designer for publication

What do you think about this process?

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