Phase 1 – Development of Strategic Goals and Division Values

October 2015 to February 2016

  1. Establish an online space for two-way communication between Division faculty and staff and the Strategic Plan Steering Committee about the planning process and drafts of the Strategic Plan.
  2. Modify current Division goals based on OSU SP 3.0, strategic plans from across the Division, and strategic plans from external stakeholders, and identify overarching values across those plans
  3. Share draft with Division Executive Team leadership (Reed, King, and TBA) to check direction and make necessary modifications, publish to online space.
  4. Share draft with unit directors, program leaders, and regional administrators in meeting
  5. Modify based on feedback, publish to online space.
  6. Share with larger audiences of Division faculty and staff via webinars or in-person seminars. Gather feedback from participants during session and very shortly thereafter.
  7. Modify based on feedback, publish to online space.
  8. Share with Division Exec Team leadership (Reed, King, and TBA), and make modifications
  9. Share penultimate draft of goal areas with the process of development clearly defined, via email and Division-wide recorded webinar
  10. Integrate any last-minute minor feedback and send to Division faculty and staff via email, publish to online space.

Phase 1 Process Visual

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