Week 3

Implicit bias is something that we all have, even if we try our best to not have them. They come in all different types. You could be bias towards gender, race, age, sexuality, and many other things. They are present in our everyday lives. Sometimes they are more prominent and are shown in things like racism, or words people use. In other cases, it is shown in more discrete ways like not giving someone a job interview, even if they are the most qualified. You could know about these biases, or they could be implicit, which means you have them, but do not realize it. But your actions speak louder, and the biases come through.

The selection process includes the interview process, as well as selections to be promoted and given raises. This blog posts relates the implicit biases that everyone holds to the selection process of a job.

Since implicit bias could be about anything, it could lead too much unreliability in the selection process. I think this relates more to professional, full-time positions. This could be shown in things like not giving someone a job based on their looks, gender, or sexuality. Or it could also be just passing someone up for an interview based on how their name sounds or looks. Implicit biases can also interfere with objectivity and can cloud the mind of the interviewer. This can lead to not hiring the right person for the job, simply because of the biases of one person.

In conclusion, biases are something that shouldn’t be in the workplace or the selection process for jobs. It can lead to many upsets within the company, and with those who have interviewed with them. I once read a quote that stated that all those who work for a company, or who we’re interviewed with a company are a walking billboard for them. They can either spread positive comments or negative ones. Implicit biases within the workplace lead to negative things being said, which can lead to a bad reputation.

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