Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu

2. Social Factors

  November 30th, 2015


Men and women don’t exactly use Kevlar differently. It’s the products that Kevlar is used in that men and women use differently. Kevlar, as  mentioned before, is used in bullet proof vest for police officers, a male dominate filed, therefore men will use this Kevlar product more. While Kevlar can be used in smart phones, my phone actually has Kevlar in it, and smart phones don’t have a gender bias.




Kevlar as found by accident when Kwolek was trying to find an altermative to tires and to save gas. But Kevlar is now used in more than 200 products, a lot of these product help save lives. Bullet proof vest keep coming up but since Kevlar was discovered, 2,749 police officer lives have been saved as of 2003 because of it (Swartz 2003).



Since Kevlar was invented in the United States, it’s our culture that is the most affected. People are not upset by this material, it saves lives. It’s hard to find anything negative about a product that saves lives.



The engineers that make Kevlar have the most economic gain. There are roughly 81.6% male engineers (Yoder 2011). These men are the ones making the Kevlar, and the men that use Kevlar at work also have a large economic gain.



It’s hard to find a reason to not like Kevlar. In this article Debate continues over Kevlar padding and concussions, (Gantt, 2012) they talk about using Kevlar in football pads and helmets, hoping to protect the player from injury and concussion. The debate is whether it is the right material. Rob Vito, the CEO of Unequal Technologies which makes protective gear out of Kevlar said, “If Kevlar can stop a bullet, it can damn sure stop a blitz”(Gantt, 2012).



It all depends on which product the user buys as to how there are educated. Buy a Kevlar canoe is different education than a bullet proof vest or a pair of shoes.