How are online courses structured?

Online courses provide considerably more freedom than face-to-face courses, allowing students to choose when and where they participate in class activities. However, students have the same kinds of deadlines and structured responsibilities of a face-to-face class – assignments must be completed by due dates and regular participation in online discussions is necessary to fully engage in the learning process.

Online learning is not easier than face-to-face courses, but it is more flexible and can be very powerful because of the interaction and creativity of the students. If you are a self-directed and independent learner, you are willing and able to communicate ideas and projects in written format and you can navigate in the web environment, online learning may be for you!

How much time does it take to complete the degree, and how many credits can I take each term?

The EdM degree is typically completed in at least 11 terms (1 term = 11 weeks) which is equivalent to 2- 2½ years based on a minimum enrollment of 3 credits every term (Fall, Winter, Spring) and 6-9 credits during two summer sessions. The degree could be completed in less time if graduate credits are transferred into the program or you take a “full load” which is 9 credits for graduate students. However, this is NOT recommended while teaching full time.

When do courses start?

Oregon State University follows a quarter system which is based on a 11-week/term session. See the Academic Calendar for starting dates.

What is the cost per credit and overall tuition?

Tuition and fees for graduate students are established through Ecampus for graduate. It is the same for resident and non-resident students. You should also consider books, materials, program fees, and miscellaneous expenses in your budget.

Is financial aid available?

Yes. Students who are formally admitted to OSU and are enrolled at least half-time (5-8 credits for graduate students) can receive partial aid. Full-time students are eligible for full financial aid consideration.

Are there scholarships or grants available?

Ecampus does offer a need based grant for students in graduate program.

Can I transfer credits into the program?

Yes, you can transfer up to 15 credits from other universities taken within the last 7 years. Ask an advisor for details about what specific courses you may apply toward the degree.

What kind of technology is necessary to take online courses at OSU?

You will need Internet access, at least a 4.0 browser, and an email account.

How do I use the library from a distance?

You will have online access to more than 100 electronic journal indexes, full text articles from 1,000 journals, and a gateway to other library catalogs through offered at the Oregon State Valley Library.