OSUsed Store summer clearance sales offered Aug. 22 and 25

Much of the OSUsed Store’s merchandise will be on sale at our Summer Clearance Sales on Tuesday, August 22nd between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. and Friday, August 25th between 12:00 and 3:00 p.m. Specially marked items throughout the store will be 25, 50, or 75 percent off. About OSUsed Store Sales The OSUsed Store carries […]

OSU and City of Corvallis pledge, “We Are Still In”.

  A national pledge has made its way to the City of Corvallis where the mayor and Oregon State President have vowed, “We Are Still In”. This pledge supporting national climate action has been signed by thousands all over the country. This all comes after the June 1 announcement from President Donald Trump that the […]

OSU shatters goal by collecting almost 36,000 pounds during Move Out Donation Drive

Official results are in: OSU residents donated nearly 36,000 pounds  – 18 tons – during this year’s Residence Hall Move-Out Donation Drive! This includes an estimated: 15,502 pounds of housewares 4,119 pounds of food, toiletries and school supplies 8,191 pounds of clothing, linens and shoes 7,864 pounds of loft kit wood That’s a total of […]

The Great Move Out is coming. Here’s how you can make it a success.

Last year the Res Hall Move Out Donation Drive diverted 23,000 pounds of material from landfills and donated to non-profits during move out. This year, for the first time, OSU will work both on-campus and in the Corvallis community to divert even more materials! Your help is needed on this effort to improve our neighborhoods, […]

RecycleMania results are in! The winner of the 2017 Civil War is…

The winner of the 2017 RecycleMania Civil War is… University of Oregon! While last year’s Civil War was close, this year UO gained a large lead early in the competition, maintaining it until the final week of the competition when OSU managed to narrow the gap. This marks the second year that UO has won […]

Annual RecycleMania Competition 2017: UPCOMING EVENTS

RecycleMania is an annual 8-week recycling competition between universities, which runs February 5 – April 1 this year. Join thousands of college students across the nation  competing for the national recycling title, and help OSU beat UO! You can make it happen by recycling, composting and reducing your trash. 2017 Calendar Res. Hall Recycling Challenge: […]

Annual RecycleMania Competition 2017 Kicked-Off!

RecycleMania is an annual 8-week recycling competition between universities, which runs February 5 – April 1 this year. Join thousands of college students across the nation competing for the national recycling title, and help OSU beat UO! You can make it happen by recycling, composting and reducing your trash. 2017 Calendar Res. Hall Recycling Challenge: […]

“MUG SHOTS” Coffee Giveaway

Come get your “Mug Shot” taken with your reusable coffee mug showing your commitment to reducing waste!  RecycleMania has begun. The Sustainability Office is putting on the 2nd annual “Mug Shot” Coffee Giveaway. BRING YOUR OWN MUG and we will see you there for free  fair trade coffee and cocoa! Stop by to learn about other […]

Learn how to do it yourself at the Winter Repair Fair

Want to try your hand at a new skill? Need to fix one of your belongings that’s been out of commission? Come by the Winter Repair Fair on Wednesday, February 15 from 5:30 – 7:30 PM in the OSUsed Store (644 SW 13th St.). Volunteers will teach you how to fix your broken items; attend […]