Eco-Representatives at Oregon State
The close of the 2013-2014 school year marks the end of the second Eco-Representative pilot program here at Oregon State. Eco-Representatives are a new trend popping up in colleges and universities all over the country to promote sustainable behaviors within residence halls. Eco-Representatives (Eco-reps) are responsible for advancing and institutionalizing a culture of sustainability in […]
Free Cob Building Workshop
Beginning Cob Lessons at the Old Mill Center The Old Mill Center for Children and Families is currently hosting a summer camp for children where participants will learn some introductory cob building skills. The goal is to build a small cob playhouse for the center and volunteer work would be a great help […]
Corvallis Recycling Block Captains Needed
The Sustainability Coalition’s Waste Prevention Action Team is inviting Corvallis residents to participate in the Recycling Block Captains program. As a recycling block captain, you can help educate your neighbors about recycling, composting, and waste prevention, as well as encourage their full participation in the opportunities that Republic Services is currently providing. The time commitment is 1-5 […]
College of Ag – Open SDD Program Advisor Position
The College of Agricultural Sciences is looking for a full time employee for their SDD Program Advisor position. The primary purpose of this position is to recruit for and advise Ecampus and campus-based students about the OSU Sustainability Double Degree (SDD) Program. This position requires knowledge of, commitment to, and participation in Oregon State University’s […]
Corvallis Performs a Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Sustainability Program specialist Scott Dybvad got in touch with us about the city’s first Greenhouse Gas Inventory. “The City of Corvallis released results of the first Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory. The final report shows overall greenhouse gas emissions for the community in 2012 were 1,257,115 Metric Tons Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MT CO2e). The year 2012 […]
SSI Project Grant: Solar Vehicle Team Solar Array
The OSU Solar Vehicle Team received $3,000 in funding from the SSI this term. Project leader Wilkins White and the team used the grant funds to build a new car for competition in the World Solar Challenge in 2015. Funding from the SSI offered students first-hand experience working with solar energy and the basic knowlege […]
SSI Project Grant: Food Group Cooking Classes
The OSU Food Group received $800 in funding from the SSI in order to host two cooking classes during the Spring term of 2014. The specific goals of these cooking classes were to 1) instill knowledge about basic cooking skills and empower participants to cook for themselves; 2) impart knowledge about local and sustainable food […]
SSI Travel Grantee: Rachel Tholl
Rachel Tholl received a $50 SSI Travel Grant to travel to Tempe, Arizona to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University from March 21-23, 2014. She wrote a brief blog post for the Ecologue to describe the experience. ____________________________________________ The Clinton Global Initiative first caught my eye when the SSI Faculty Advisor, Jen Christion-Myers, brought it […]
SSI Travel Grantee: Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey
Jeremiah Osborne-Gowey, a graduate student in the Masters of Public Policy program at OSU, received a graduate travel award of $500 to travel to and participate in the 2014 meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society (WDAFS) held April 6-11 in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. I have been fortunate to present at dozens […]
SSI Travel Grantee: Tyler McFadden
Tyler McFadden received a $500 SSI travel grant to attend the International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitat in Mazatlan, Mexico. Tyler wrote an Ecologue post about his experience and what he learned from it. __________________________________ Mangroves are coastal forested wetlands that occur in throughout the tropical intertidal zone. Renowned for their ecosystem services, mangroves […]