SSI Fellowship Program

Want to get paid and develop leadership skills within the sustainability field? The Student Sustainability Initiative (SSI) has a new opportunity for students to become a Sustainability Fellow, working with a campus department or a community organization doing research with a faculty mentor working to solve global sustainability challenges. The Sustainability Fellowship Program pairs students with […]

Update from the Inside by Micco Emeson

Micco Emeson is the SSI Landscape Coordinator and part of the Growing Food Security initiative team. Here is a little peek at what’s been happening: It’s Spring, and lots of stuff is happening in the realm of sustainability. Some highlights from the sustainable landscaping side of things at the Student Sustainability Initiative include: Establishing a pollinator […]

Society of Wood Science and Technology 59th annual Conference by Kendall Conroy

OSU students at the Corvallis campus are eligible for up to $500 per academic year to participate in professional development opportunities. The Student Sustainability Initiative is seeking proposals that benefit OSU students and the SSI’s mission of “Advancing student efforts to create a culture of sustainability at OSU through opportunity, education, and action” are preferred. At the […]

Burying Winter Term by Micco Emeson

OSU students at the Corvallis campus are eligible for up to $500 per academic year to participate in professional development opportunities. The Student Sustainability Initiative are seeking proposals that benefit OSU students and the SSI’s mission of “Advancing student efforts to create a culture of sustainability at OSU through opportunity, education, and action” are preferred. This […]

SSI Fee Board Member Applications Due Tomorrow!

Interested in getting involved with the Student Sustainability Initiative? Consider applying for the SSI Fee Board! The fee board is an important part of SSI and their duties include: Approving SSI’s annual budget Managing SSI’s grant programs Managing the Sustainable Energy Revolving Loan Fund program Strategic planning to support OSU’s student sustainability efforts Assist in […]

UC-Davis California Forum on Energy Efficient Manufacturing by Matteo Smullin

  A group of Oregon State graduate students from the Industrial Sustainability lab within MIME traveled to UC Davis to attend the inaugural California forum on energy efficient manufacturing (CaFEEM). The students presented a total of five posters covering research in additive manufacturing, grinding operations, manufacturing process modeling, and plastics injection molding. The forum included […]

American Fisheries Society National Conference by Rachael Davee

Attending the American Fisheries Society meeting in Portland was an amazing experience for many reasons. I am grateful to The Student Sustainability Initiative for giving me the opportunity to attend. This meeting brought together a great diversity of professionals who shared their work through presentations and posters. My primary interest was attending a session addressing […]

SSI now accepting applications for Sustainability Project, Research & Professional Development Grants

The Student Sustainability Initiative is now accepting applications for Sustainability Project, Research and Professional Development Grants! SSI believes our campus can be a model living laboratory for sustainability. We established the Sustainability Grant Program to provide students opportunities to create a more sustainable institution and take an active role in promoting social change. In-line with […]

2015 IAAS USA National Summit by Ann Bernert

IAAS USA National Summit 2015 Ann Bernert 5/15/2015 This April, Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences hosted the 2015 National Summit meeting for the International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences. The theme was “Local Soils to World Solutions” and Dr. Dan Arp made a great Welcome Address connecting this idea to […]