Adventures of the OSU Solar Trailer

Oregon State’s Solar Trailer, which is outfitted with an 1800-watt solar array and 25 kilowatt-hours of battery storage, spends its days traveling around OSU and the community powering local events. This past weekend (July 14th and 15th), the Solar Trailer got to hang out at one of its favorite events, the Oregon Country Fair. It […]

OSU and City of Corvallis pledge, “We Are Still In”.

  A national pledge has made its way to the City of Corvallis where the mayor and Oregon State President have vowed, “We Are Still In”. This pledge supporting national climate action has been signed by thousands all over the country. This all comes after the June 1 announcement from President Donald Trump that the […]

Energize Corvallis Public Outreach Internship

As mentioned in a post earlier, Corvallis is currently competing for the $5 million Georgetown University Energy Prize. In order to help spread the word about reducing the community’s energy usage, the Corvallis Environmental Center is looking for Public Outreach interns. The position involves tasks such as going door-to-door and tabling at community events. The […]

Now Hiring: Energize Corvallis Project Coordinators

  Energize Corvallis is hiring! Their current open position is a one-year internship for Project Coordinators, who will work to help Energize Corvallis with their mission and help develop, manage, and evaluate community energy efficiency programs and policies. Energize Corvallis is a local organization dedicated to helping Corvallis become one of the most energy efficient and climate-friendly […]

Georgetown University Prize: Community Meeting

This Wednesday, February 18th, will be the first community meeting to discuss Corvallis’ entry in the Georgetown University Energy Prize. The meeting will be at 7pm at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library (645 NW Monroe Ave). The city of Corvallis is currently a quarterfinalist for the Prize, a $5 million incentive to reduce energy consumption. But now that […]

Corvallis makes Georgetown University Energy Prize Quarterfinals!

Corvallis has made it to the quarterfinals for the Georgetown University Energy Prize, a $5 million incentive to reduce energy consumption. Now that we’ve made it this far, we need everyone’s help to save more energy than the 49 other American cities in the competition. The winning city will be judged based on reductions in energy […]

Energize Corvallis: Now Hiring Interns

Looking for an internship this academic year? Interested in helping Corvallis pursue its sustainability goals and projects? Look no further than Energize Corvallis. Energize Corvallis is a local organization dedicated to helping Corvallis become one of the most energy efficient and climate-friendly cities in the United States. They are a collaboration between the City of […]

Now Hiring: Software Developer at Energize Corvallis

Energize Corvallis is hiring a part-time Software Developer to create an interactive website for the Classrooms Take Charge program. The website will be used by more than 6,000 students and teachers in 16 high schools throughout the Pacific Northwest. Funding for the position is provided by an Environmental Education award from the Environmental Protection Agency. Energize […]

Take Charge of your Carbon Emissions This Fall

The OSU Sustainability Office and Energize Corvallis have teamed up to help answer some burning questions. Did you know that by placing a 6-inch pan on an 8-inch burner you are wasting about 40% of the heating energy being used to prepare food?  …or that properly inflated tires save about 3% of your fuel use, the […]

Learn D.I.Y. skills at the October and November Repair Fairs

The Repair Fairs are back! Come to the Recycling Warehouse at 644 SW 13th Street on Thursday, October 24th between the hours of 6 and 8 pm for our first Repair Fair of the year. Bring your broken items and questions and volunteers will help you learn how to repair your things, and attend demos […]