Campus Recycling Offers New Options for Composting in Departments
Composting is a process in which organic materials such as food scraps and fibers are broken down into a natural soil amendment. This not only provides a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers, but also keeps valuable material out of our landfills. The EPA estimates that 26% of the material in U.S. landfills is yard trimmings […]
OLIS: New Graduate Program in Sustainability Launched in April!
On April 8, 2011, the Oregon University System formally approved the establishment of the Oregon Leadership in Sustainability (OLIS) graduate certificate program. Shortly thereafter, the website,, was open for applications! OLIS is housed at the University of Oregon, but hopes to attract recent BA or BS graduates from all the OUS campuses to train […]
Apply to the SSI
The SSI is now accepting the last of its applications for 2011 – 2012 positions. If you are (or will be) an OSU student, are interested in sustainability, and are still looking to work or volunteers at a professional level during the 2011 – 2012 school year, you should apply! This is a truly wonderful […]
Campus Carbon Challenge: Final Celebration
To all those who took the Campus Carbon Challenge, THANK YOU! This celebration is in part an expression of gratitude to the 630 of you who made a commitment to reduce your carbon footprint for the month of April. It is the small actions which add up to big results, and we hope you continue […]
McNary Hall Wins Residence Hall Recycling Competition
McNary Hall has been declared the RecycleMania Residence Hall Winner, which they earned by having the smallest percentage of recyclables in their dumpster. The hall won a game night for their hall held on April 7, plus a trophy made out of reused materials. Congrats to them! Campus Recycling staff and volunteers audited the contents […]
OSU takes top spot in Oregon for recycling
The RecycleMania 2011 results have been officially released and OSU has once again taken the number one spot in Oregon and held onto the RecycleMania Civil War title! OSU beat UO by recycling and composting 5.5 more lbs per person, holding onto the RecycleMania Civil War trophy, made by UO last year out of reused […]
Earth Week Continues through Saturday
Earth Week is halfway done but 14 events still remain, giving you plenty of opportunities to learn about sustainability at OSU and get involved! On Saturday, Campus Recycling had the opportunity to interact with the off campus community at the annual EarthFaire, organized by the Corvallis Environmental Center, distributing Earth Week info and inviting citizens […]
Green Career Day coming Thursday!
Oregon State University will hold its first spring Green Career Day during Earth Week 2011. The event takes place April 21, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union Ballroom. Green employers will be showcasing their sustainable efforts, networking with OSU students, and some will be highlighting employment/internships. The event will help students […]
Preparing Ground at the SSI
It is that time of year again. Last Friday was weeding day at the OSU Student Sustainability Center (SSC) Garden. Plants from last year, which had held the soil together during the rainy winter months, were being removed with the weeds that had sprouted in their midst. Before seeds could be sown for the new crop […]
City of Beaverton hosts International Sustainability Leadership Project
Cedar Park Middle School teacher Edward Prindle was recently in touch with me to reach out to OSU students with a great opportunity to connect with Beaverton’s sister cities around issues of sustainability. The International Sister City Sustainability Learning Project is a volunteer internship program for 25 young people, ages 18-24, to represent Beaverton and […]