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Earth Week 2014

OSU has been celebrating Earth day ever since the first one in 1970. We love our earth so much that we celebrate our love with a full week! This year we have more events than ever before! Earth week is aimed to be a week of fun geared towards environmental awareness, engagement and educational activities. […]

Campus Conservation Nationals 2014 Results

Campus Conservation Nationals (CCN) is the largest conservation competition for colleges and universities in the world! This friendly competition measures the percent reduction of electricity and water usage in the residence buildings on campuses. Last year, the competition saved over 2 million kilowatt-hours of electricity and 1.5 million gallons of water! This year, our campus […]

Sustainable printing, it’s not all about the paper!

When printing in an office or for school you may be printing large amounts of material multiple times. Printing double sided, and trimming down content is always a great way to cut back on material use. Those are great ways to start, but if you could save yourself even more money at the printer by […]

Question of the Week: "All in the Hall" Buildings

Time for our Question of the Week! The first person to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable cold cup (with straw). Submit your answer here (“Leave a Reply,” below) or on our Facebook page. Only one post per person, please. Question of the Week “All in the Hall” is a pilot program starting this […]

Eco Event Month

The month of February may as well be renamed Sustainability month on the Oregon State Campus. Recycle Mania and Campus Conservation Nationals are both national sustainability focused campus wide competitions that take place and overlap during the month of February. In addition to the campus versus campus competition, both have residence hall competitions. To capitalize […]

TOP Indicators help with Tracking Oregon’s Progress

Newly released by the Oregon Community Foundation and the OSU Rural Studies Program, Tracking Oregon’s Progress, or TOP Indicators are a new addition to the Oregon Explorer and Rural Communities Explorer’s Communities Reporter Tool.  They are aimed at helping understand trends in Oregon’s economy, people and communities and environment. The TOP indicators include 89 metrics […]

SSI Travel Grantee: Danielle Heenehan

Danielle Heenehan received an SSI Travel Grant for $160.90 to attend the Portland Mushroom Cultivation Weekend in November of 2013. Danielle wrote a short summary and brought back a few pictures for the Ecologue. ————————————————————— Fungi are some of the most important and ecologically diverse groups of organisms on the planet. They play an important […]

Question of the Week: Confidential Shredding Discount

Time for our Question of the Week! The first person to respond with the correct answer will win a reusable OSU spork. Submit your answer here (“Leave a Reply,” below) or on our Facebook page. Only one post per person, please. Question of the Week This week, we are offering a discount for any departments who place […]

Dept. Shredding Discount Week offers 50% off and a chance to win RecycleMania

In order to encourage OSU departments to recycle during the RecycleMania competition, Campus Recycling is offering a Departmental Shredding Discount Week this week, Monday-Friday, March 17-21. OSU departments that submit confidential paper pick-up requests online during this timeframe will get 50% off (regular price is 15¢ per lb.). Please note that only paper from OSU […]

SSI Travel Grantee: Casey Taylor

SSI Travel Grantee Casey Taylor writes about her experience at the Ecological Society of America’s Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota in August of 2013.