Earth Week 2011 Presents a Diverse Lineup

Pull out your calendar, because it’s time to start writing in what events you’ll be attending this year for Earth Week! With a lineup of 32 events, you are sure to find plenty that tickle your fancy and fit your schedule. Especially try not to miss one of the biggest sustainability events of the year […]

Sneak peek into Earth Week 2011

Over 40 years ago, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson helped drive communities across the U.S.  to organize teach-ins for the environment on April 22, 1970 – the first Earth Day. Right here on our campus, OSU students put together a series of events, participating in this landmark date. While Earth Day-related festivities have not occurred every […]

Earth Week 2011 registration now open

Is your department or local organization involved in sustainability? Are you interested in recruiting participants? Sharing information? Showcasing your eco-accomplishments? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a good fit for OSU’s annual Earth Week celebration! Please consider signing up for a free booth at the annual OSU Earth Week […]

RecycleMania: A Recap, Plus What is Yet to Come!

We are halfway through RecycleMania and so far OSU has recycled and composted 247,269 lbs – up more than 50,000 lbs over this time last year! We’ve held many events over the term and have many yet to come. Two weeks ago we displayed our sea creature made by OSU students, out of recycled materials. […]

Now hiring for recycling outreach student position!

Campus Recycling is hiring for one student to assist with educating the OSU community about recycling, starting in early March 2011. This is a new student position aimed at helping us expand our outreach efforts. The hiree will assist with Earth Week and residence hall move-out week in spring 2011 and may stay on through […]

New events added to RecycleMania 2011 lineup!

The mania continues this term with a long line-up of events remaining for RecycleMania 2011! Check out the event calendar below, download a poster, and join our Facebook event so you don’t miss out! Special events to start preparing for include a clothing and household item swap on February 22 and 23, a FREE e-waste […]

RecycleMania 2011 activities set to launch Monday

As mentioned before on this blog, RecycleMania is almost here (officially starting Sunday)! Pull out your planner and check out the event lineup below for the first three weeks of the competition. Cash for Clunkers Fridge Replacement Program Jan 24 through Apr 1, Your Department Have an old, energy inefficient fridge in your department’s kitchen […]

Sneak peek into RecycleMania 2011

It’s that time of year again. A chill is in the air, the leaves have all fallen and the Waste Warriors are gathering for another battle. It’s almost RecycleMania 2011! RecycleMania is a nationwide recycling competition, which started in 2001 as a competition between two Ohio colleges and has since expanded to include over 600 […]

Video tells story of recycling at OSU football games

The last home football game of the year was this past weekend, ending with a bang at the 114th annual Civil War game. What many attending the games may not know about is the team of volunteers who come together every game, helping OSU with its recycling initiative. OSU Campus Recycling collects about 3,000 lbs […]

EPA recycling challenge fundraises for local food share

As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU is competing for the first time in the EPA Game Day Challenge, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games. Campus Recycling, OSU Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Linn Benton Food Share, and a group of dedicated volunteers came together at the October 30th OSU […]