Sneak peek into RecycleMania 2011

It’s that time of year again. A chill is in the air, the leaves have all fallen and the Waste Warriors are gathering for another battle. It’s almost RecycleMania 2011! RecycleMania is a nationwide recycling competition, which started in 2001 as a competition between two Ohio colleges and has since expanded to include over 600 […]

Video tells story of recycling at OSU football games

The last home football game of the year was this past weekend, ending with a bang at the 114th annual Civil War game. What many attending the games may not know about is the team of volunteers who come together every game, helping OSU with its recycling initiative. OSU Campus Recycling collects about 3,000 lbs […]

EPA recycling challenge fundraises for local food share

As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU is competing for the first time in the EPA Game Day Challenge, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games. Campus Recycling, OSU Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Linn Benton Food Share, and a group of dedicated volunteers came together at the October 30th OSU […]

Recycling for the Greater Good at Homecoming 2010

As mentioned previously on this blog, OSU has signed up to participate in the EPA Game Day Challenge this year, a nationwide competition between universities to reduce waste at football games. We will be bringing together a team of 50+ volunteers at the October 30th home football game to both increase recycling and fight hunger. […]

Styrofoam recycling pilot leads to cost savings

As mentioned in a previous post, we collected approximately 120 cubic yards (equal to 20 standard dumpsters) of Styrofoam in just 6 days during residence hall move-in week. This was the first time Campus Recycling offered a bin to collect this material separately. We recently received the invoice for Total Reclaim’s recycling and hauling fee, […]

OSU Helps da Vinci Days Cut Festival Trash in Half

This year OSU Campus Recycling partnered with the da Vinci Days festival to start a waste reduction initiative at the July 2010 festival. A report has just been released, which includes all the results along with methodology, photos, ideas for next year, and more. DOWNLOAD IT HERE This report and many other resources can be […]

OSU Participating in EPA Game Day Challenge

For over a year now OSU Campus Recycling has been partnering with Athletics to address waste and litter at home football games. We estimate that last season we produced an average of 10,000 lbs of trash every single game. That’s a lot of trash. So this year we’re stepping up our game. We have signed […]