Portland to host this year's annual aashe conference

This year the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education will be holding their annual Conference and Expo in our very own Portland, Oregon. With nearly 2,000 participants, AASHE’s annual conference is the largest gathering of higher education sustainability professionals and students in North America. What is AASHE you ask? AASHE is an […]

Energize Corvallis: Now Hiring Interns

Looking for an internship this academic year? Interested in helping Corvallis pursue its sustainability goals and projects? Look no further than Energize Corvallis. Energize Corvallis is a local organization dedicated to helping Corvallis become one of the most energy efficient and climate-friendly cities in the United States. They are a collaboration between the City of […]

Now Hiring: Software Developer at Energize Corvallis

Energize Corvallis is hiring a part-time Software Developer to create an interactive website for the Classrooms Take Charge program. The website will be used by more than 6,000 students and teachers in 16 high schools throughout the Pacific Northwest. Funding for the position is provided by an Environmental Education award from the Environmental Protection Agency. Energize […]

New course offering: Social Dimensions of Sustainability

A new online course will be offered during Fall 2014 for students in natural resources, environmental sciences, social sciences, and students interested in the Sustainability Double-Degree. Beginning with a discussion on the importance of a social science perspective for study of sustainability issues, the course will compliment the ecological aspects of sustainability by exposing students […]

College of Ag – Open SDD Program Advisor Position

The College of Agricultural Sciences is looking for a full time employee for their SDD Program Advisor position. The primary purpose of this position is to recruit for and advise Ecampus and campus-based students about the OSU Sustainability Double Degree (SDD) Program. This position requires knowledge of, commitment to, and participation in Oregon State University’s […]

OSU Sustainability Office Hiring for Three Student Worker Postions

Join the OSU Sustainability Office Team! The OSU Sustainability Office seeks outgoing and enthusiastic students to fill three different paid positions beginning in May 2014 and running through at least the 2015 school year. All positions are available to work study and non-work-study students. Applications are due midnight, April 27, 2014. Positions: Digital Media and Marketing […]

SSI Travel Grantee: Casey Taylor

SSI Travel Grantee Casey Taylor writes about her experience at the Ecological Society of America’s Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota in August of 2013.

SSI Travel Grantee: Allison Marshall

Allison Marshall is an SSI Travel Grantee from November 2013. This is her blog post about her travel to the American Water Resources Association Annual Conference.

Oregon State Alums help outfit Team USA in Sochi

Two Oregon State Alums, Dan and Jeanne Carver, own Oregon’s Imperial Stock Farm located on 50 square miles of the High Desert. Dan graduated from the Corvallis Campus in 1956 with a degree in business administration and technology, while Jeanne obtained her masters in Physical Education in 1979. The pair, their son Blaine, and his […]

College of Ag Sciences announces new bioenergy minor

Are you interested in alternative ways to create fuel? The new bioenergy minor within OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences provides students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a growing and diverse field. Addressing the need for sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels is a society-wide issue with potentially large rewards. Solving this problem is dependent […]