Update from the Inside by Micco Emeson

Micco Emeson is the SSI Landscape Coordinator and part of the Growing Food Security initiative team. Here is a little peek at what’s been happening: It’s Spring, and lots of stuff is happening in the realm of sustainability. Some highlights from the sustainable landscaping side of things at the Student Sustainability Initiative include: Establishing a pollinator […]

May 20, 2016

Micco Emeson is the SSI Landscape Coordinator and part of the Growing Food Security initiative team. Here is a little peek at what’s been happening:

It’s Spring, and lots of stuff is happening in the realm of sustainability.

Some highlights from the sustainable landscaping side of things at the Student Sustainability Initiative include:

  • Establishing a pollinator garden on the OSU campus,
  • Planting several cherry trees along 15th st.
  • Completion of the permaculture garden outside the Student Experience Center
  • Construction of accessible garden beds at the Asian Pacific Cultural Center

As Landscape Projects Coordinator for the Student Sustainability Initiative, I had high hopes of facilitating a tree planting on campus. I approached the head of campus landscaping with this idea, and they were more than willing to provide an avenue for students to engage in such an activity. OSU has a prestigious Tree Campus USA certification, which allows for the receipt of points for the nationally accepted Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS). Student engagement in tree maintenance and establishment is required for this certification. Campus landscaping located a site for the trees, purchased the trees, and are even pre-dug the holes! This event took place this Saturday, April 23 as part of CCE’s annual Earth Day of Service.Garden photo

In addition to getting the green light on the tree planting, I also learned of an opportunity to help on a pollinator garden project. Starting as a collaboration several years ago between faculty from the Horticulture, Forestry, Campus landscaping and Entomology departments, the pollinator garden is an initiative to provide pollinator habitat and promote awareness of the benefits of pollinators such as bees, birds and moths. This garden was also installed Saturday, April 23 as part of CCE’s annual Earth Day of Service. Go take a look at the garden, fenced off by pink ribbon across campus way from Linus Pauling.

The Asian Pacific Cultural Center approached me last term with a request to help install a raised bed. After obtaining permission and technical support from campus landscaping, as well as some generous donations of lumber, we decided to plan an installation work party for Sunday, May 15; so before school ends, make sure to drop by the APCC and check out their new garden bed!

Finally, the installation of the SEC Permaculture Garden is coming to a close this year. This fall term I invited students to participate in the project, pitching it as an opportunity to gain real experience with project management. A couple students from both Andrew Millison’s Permaculture Design Course as well as students from the Ecological Engineering Student Society formed the core of this group, and they were awarded a $2,000 project grant  from the Student Sustainability Initiative. The installation of accessible pathways made of compacted gravel, raised beds and a variety of edible plants was made possible by this grant. With two work parties under our belts, we’re planning a third and final for Saturday, May 21, during which we will be installing a raised strawberry bed and a raspberry trellis.


Stay tuned to the SSI listserv for details! Contact SSI.media@oregonstate.edu if you want to be added.


CATEGORIES: Campus Sustainability Events and Outreach Student Sustainability Initiative