Campus Sustainability Day 2009

Hello everybody, For the past seven years, the Society for College and University Planning has planned a major webcast in October, when many colleges and universities celebrate their sustainability initiatives. I’m particularly excited about the program this year, because of the cross-section of panelists, and the program moderator is Andy Revkin, science editor for The […]

October 6, 2009

Hello everybody,
For the past seven years, the Society for College and University Planning has planned a major webcast in October, when many colleges and universities celebrate their sustainability initiatives. I’m particularly excited about the program this year, because of the cross-section of panelists, and the program moderator is Andy Revkin, science editor for The New York Times. The annual Campus Sustainability Day webcast will be held on Wednesday, October 21, from 10:00 – 11:30 Pacific time. Here’s a link for more details:

We’ll be filming and streaming the program out of The New York Times building, and we hope that schools will participate and project the program for a large group. We’ll be taking text questions throughout the program. We’ve tried to keep the site fee as low as we could, and hope that some of you will be able to join the program.

On another note, our international conference was in Portland this past July. With presenters from colleges and universities across Oregon, and the emphasis on sustainability in our program topic line-up – we had one of the best conferences in the last few years. Thank you all for your time!

Kathy Benton
Associate Director / Education & Product Development
Society for College and University Planning

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