Sustainability Council Social

On Tuesday, November 14, the OSU Sustainability Council held a successful social event in the SEC! The OSU Sustainability Council is a new departmental program hosted by the Sustainability Office and Community Engagement & Leadership. The Council connects student clubs and organizations – and individual students – with resources that help advance student goals around […]

November 21, 2023

On Tuesday, November 14, the OSU Sustainability Council held a successful social event in the SEC!

The OSU Sustainability Council is a new departmental program hosted by the Sustainability Office and Community Engagement & Leadership. The Council connects student clubs and organizations – and individual students – with resources that help advance student goals around sustainability and social justice. It serves as a hub for peer-to-peer student engagement on sustainability topics.

At the social, attendees painted plant pots and ate delicious tacos. A special thanks to Green Girl for providing the reusable dishes and utensils, and La Rockita for providing food! Everyone enjoyed good conversation and meeting others who are passionate about sustainability, with many representing student clubs and organizations from around campus.

Painting pots at the Sustainability Council social.

“I really enjoyed the Sustainability Council social. It was super fun to talk to everyone there and painting pots was a very fun activity” said Kasey, a third-year Chemical Engineering major.

Interested in getting involved with Sustainability Council? Fall term meetings are held every other Tuesday (Weeks 8 and 10) from 5-6pm in SEC 354. Fill out the Interest Form to receive Sustainability Council updates via email and join the Teams!


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