Materials Management Collects 20,422 pounds of Donations from The Great Move Out

Materials Management (Campus Recycling and Surplus Property) hosts the annual Great Move Out to give students an easy way to donate the items they no longer need while moving out of the residence halls. Items collected include linens, food, furniture, appliances, bikes, clothing, and much more. Once collected, donated items are distributed to local non-profits […]

November 14, 2022

Materials Management (Campus Recycling and Surplus Property) hosts the annual Great Move Out to give students an easy way to donate the items they no longer need while moving out of the residence halls. Items collected include linens, food, furniture, appliances, bikes, clothing, and much more. Once collected, donated items are distributed to local non-profits and charities – benefitting the community and keeping goods out of the landfill.

During the 2022 Great Move Out, Materials Management collected 20,422 pounds of donated goods. This includes 9,286 pounds of clothing, linens, and shoes, 1,902 pounds of food, toiletries, and school supplies, and 9,234 pounds of housewares. Thank you to all who helped carry out this amazing event!


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