Plastic-Free EcoChallenge

Have you ever stopped and wondered how much plastic you use throughout your day? Have you been wondering how to lower your plastic-use in your home and at school?

June 22, 2021

Have you ever stopped and wondered how much plastic you use throughout your day? Have you been wondering how to lower your plastic-use in your home and at school?

We hear the buzzwords eco-friendly, sustainable, and zero-waste nearly every day now wherever we are. On social media, in school, at work, and even through commercials while we’re watching “The Bachelor.” It can sometimes feel overwhelming to know you need to make some changes without knowing exactly how. And with so much plastic out there, from packaging to take-out containers to agriculture, it’s difficult to feel like you’re making a dent.

Here’s a great way to get involved and make a real difference, though! The Coalition of North American Zoos and Aquariums has partnered with to create a 31-day global challenge to reduce single-use plastic consumption. Head over to their website now to join in on the movement! There are several action categories, such as personal care, community, food, and lifestyle, and throughout the month of July, you will be able to not only track your progress but also share your success and reflection with other Ecochallengers.


CATEGORIES: Waste Reduction