First Platinum Certification: OSU-Cascades Office of Student Life!

Congratulations to the OSU-Cascades Office of Student Life on earning the first ever Platinum-level Green Office Certification! This office received a gold-level certification earlier this year (already a big achievement) but they didn’t stop there! For the past few months, they have been working hard to make their office more sustainable and improve their score. […]

June 9, 2021

Congratulations to the OSU-Cascades Office of Student Life on earning the first ever Platinum-level Green Office Certification!

This office received a gold-level certification earlier this year (already a big achievement) but they didn’t stop there! For the past few months, they have been working hard to make their office more sustainable and improve their score. At 86%, they are now the highest-scoring office in OSU’s Green Certification history.

Since their last certification, the Office of Student Life has made some big changes:

  • Made a new protocol to send out an energy saving checklist to all staff before each break
  • Identified used battery collection bins and began using them
  • Identified a compost bin and made signage to direct staff to put food waste there
  • Invited more employees to subscribe to the sustainability newsletter
  • Began using the Search Advocate program to promote equity, diversity and validity in all hiring searches
  • Hosted a week full of both in-person and virtual sustainability events during OSU’s Beyond Earth Day that reached a whopping 10% of students! 

What we can look forward to:

This summer, OSU Cascades is constructing an on-campus greenhouse for free fresh produce! There are many other initiatives to look forward to, including complimentary biodegradable feminine products in all bathrooms, reusable plastic to-go containers and more!

About the Certification:

The Green Office Certification is a simple yet effective way for OSU faculty and staff to further their sustainability efforts and get recognition for their work. It is also intended to provide new ideas for easy steps your office can take to reduce your environmental footprint and carbon emissions.

It takes the shape of an online survey that assesses current office practices under five categories: Utilities, Waste Management, Office Purchasing, Transportation and Travel, and Outreach, Engagement, and Professional Development. 

Possible Certification Levels:         

  • Copper (50-59%)
  • Silver (60-69%)
  • Gold (70-79%)
  • Platinum (80+%)   

Don’t work in an office but are still interested in ‘greening’ your space? Check out our Green Labs Certification and Green Greek Certification. More information about our Green Certifications program can be found here

Those interested in learning more or completing a Green Certification can reach out to

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CATEGORIES: Green Certification