Become a hero and join the league of the Waste Watchers!
Winter term meetings begin January 7th! Starting at 6:00 PM and going until 7:30 PM in Student Experience Center Room 250, our weekly meetings will happen each Tuesday of the term, except March 3rd, until March 10th. Join the club to meet fellow heroes who share your interest in sustainability, & learn about our waste-fighting squad! Club is free and open to all enrolled students.
The Waste Watcher’s mission is to engage students and the community in waste reduction at OSU by providing educational programming, meaningful opportunities for action, and empowerment of future leaders. The group is sponsored by Campus Recycling– Oregon State University.
This term you can participate by attending our Meet ‘n’ Eat on Tuesday, January 14th from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at our regular meeting location. Free American Dream Pizza will be provided! (With additional soy cheese and gluten free pizzas for people with dietary restrictions). Come on by to nosh on pizza and save the world from the scourge of waste!

Other volunteer opportunities you can get involved with this term include our Winter Repair Fair with day, times, and volunteer shifts to come! Located at the OSUsed Store at 644 SW 13th St. Corvallis, OR, this event focuses on repairing broken items and teaching students and the community how to fix their items instead of throwing them away. Attend our meetings to learn more about the Repair Fairs or visit our website.
Follow us on Facebook to find more events: Sustainability at OSU’s Page or OSU Waste Watchers club
Interested but can’t make it? Visit our website to learn more, or email our Outreach Assistant.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction