HSRC Textbook Lending Program

About the Human Services Resource Center The OSU Human Services Resource Center (HSRC) is a one-stop office that provides supportive resources for homeless, food-insecure, and otherwise economically disadvantaged students. The HSRC believes in creating opportunities that allow all students access to the necessary resources for academic success; they meet this objective by leveraging their partnerships, […]

September 6, 2018

About the Human Services Resource Center

The OSU Human Services Resource Center (HSRC) is a one-stop office that provides supportive resources for homeless, food-insecure, and otherwise economically disadvantaged students. The HSRC believes in creating opportunities that allow all students access to the necessary resources for academic success; they meet this objective by leveraging their partnerships, community members, shared resources, and student leaders. The first HSRC program, which began in 2000, was a subsidy for a group of students who were required to purchase health insurance. However, HSRC was not formally proposed until 2008, when two students took initiative as the financial crisis began. Today, HSRC’s best known programs are the food pantry, Mealbux, the Textbook Lending Program, and assistance for those in housing crisis.

The HSRC mission statement: We humanize students marginalized by inequity, poverty, and oppression- and we center the voices of those we serve as we advocate for an inclusive campus and community where low-income students feel a sense of belonging and empowerment and have the basic needs to be academically successful.

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About the Textbook Lending Program

The HSRC believes that students should never have to choose between buying textbooks and basic necessities like food or rent. The textbook lending program lends out almost 1400 books that cover over 360 OSU classes, so that students can save money and afford to cover their basic needs. The program begins the first week of class and operates on a first come, first serve basis. All books must be returned at the end of the term.

Textbook Lending Program Timeline

Helpful Links

When and where?

  • Academic year hours: M-F, 9AM-5PM
  • Break weeks and summer business hours: M-F, 11AM-3PM
  • Champinefu Lodge
    1030 SW Madison Ave.



CATEGORIES: Campus Sustainability Community Sustainability Events and Outreach