Oregon Drive Less Connect Challenge

The Oregon Drive Less Connect Challenge ran from Oct 1-Oct 15 and the results are in! In just 15 days, thousands of Oregonians succeeded in finding alternative transportation to work, school errands and more. Here is our collective impact: TOTAL PARTICIPANTS: 4,797 Oregonians. TRIPS LOGGED: 91,628 trips. NON-DRIVE ALONE MILES*: 819,525 miles!! POUNDS OF CO2 REDUCED: 530,436 […]

November 17, 2016

The Oregon Drive Less Connect Challenge ran from Oct 1-Oct 15 and the results are in! In just 15 days, thousands of Oregonians succeeded in finding alternative transportation to work, school errands and more.


Here is our collective impact:

TOTAL PARTICIPANTS: 4,797 Oregonians.

TRIPS LOGGED: 91,628 trips.

NON-DRIVE ALONE MILES*: 819,525 miles!!

POUNDS OF CO2 REDUCED: 530,436 lbs

GAS SAVINGS: $93,947.

*These miles include bike, bus, train, carpool, vanpool, walking trips, and teleworking.

Be sure to visit Drive Less Connect’s Website to find a biking partner, a carpool buddy or track your trips and savings for more inspiration!


CATEGORIES: Community Sustainability Transportation