Washington Higher Education Sustainability Conference: Call for Proposals

Our northerly neighbors, Washington, has announced their 2017 conference and are seeking input to shape the event’s programming! WAHESC will be Feburary 16-17, at Gongaza University in Spokane, WA. The theme this year for the 2017 conference is “Caring for our Common Home.” They would like to hear from you about how institutions from across regions […]

September 2, 2016

Our northerly neighbors, Washington, has announced their 2017 conference and are seeking input to shape the event’s programming! WAHESC will be Feburary 16-17, at Gongaza University in Spokane, WA.

The theme this year for the 2017 conference is “Caring for our Common Home.” They would like to hear from you about how institutions from across regions and advance sustainability in higher education. While you may not live in the state of Washington, WAHEC welcomes stakeholders throughout the Pacific Northwest to participate in this grand event. In the future, Washington and Oregon conferences may join forces, so stay tuned!Capture

Here are the topics that are encouraged to include when submitting a proposal:

  • Academics. How does sustainability impact your area of study?
  • Engagement. How can you become involved and participate in sustainability issues, conversations? Is it through social justice, “green” jobs?
  • Innovation and Leadership. How are students, faculty and staff influencing sustainable change on your campus?
  • Operations. How could a college be run with utmost efficiency, and the most sustainable way possible?
  • Planning, Administration, and Institutional Characteristics. Big picture thoughts on how can universities modal sustainability within a community.

For more information regarding the session styles and selection criteria, click here.

Sound like something you would be interested in? Want to be a part of the programming at this conference? Apply here before Oct 14, 2016.

For additional information, please contact: Jim Simon | 509-313-5571 | simonj@gonzaga.edu

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